Online Version
Vol. 1 No. 11
Chair Update
The long-awaited access to the Florida PDMP Foundation online course “Improving Best Practices for Patient Care: Optimizing the Use of the PDMP Database” is finally available through the Florida Medical Association website and CE Broker. The course will provide information about the legislative intent of the PDMP, role of the Foundation, legal and regulatory issues related to database use, registration and statistics available from the database information and best practices for the use of the PDMP.

The first live presentation of the peer-to-peer course supported by a grant from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was held on June 13th at the summer conference of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association in Bonita Springs. The hour and half program featured four speakers: PDMP Foundation executive director Bob Macdonald, legal counsel Jason Winn, Esq., keynote speaker Dr. Joshua Lenchus, and myself as moderator.

The next course is scheduled on June 24th at the Florida Dental Convention at the Gaylord Palms, Kissimmee. This will be the first time the course has been presented to dentists and a large audience is expected.

The Foundation is also proud to announce that Mr. Macdonald was recently appointed by Governor DeSantis to the Florida Board of Nursing. He will be serving as a consumer representative.

The Foundation looks forward to your feedback on the course and any other information about the PDMP you may seek. All questions will be answered by Foundation or E-FORCSE staffs.

[Jill Rosenthal, MD, MPH, MA, FACOEM is the chair of the PDMP Foundation Board of Directors. She is Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for Zenith Insurance Co.]

Course Photos:

Question: What is the difference between E-FORCSE®, PDMP and the PDMP Foundation?

There is no difference between E-FORCSE® (Electronic-Florida Reporting of Controlled Substances Evaluation Program) and the State of Florida Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. E-FORCSE® was coined by the Department of Health to identify the state’s PDMP from other programs.

The Florida PDMP Foundation is a Direct Support Organization to the Department providing supplemental funding for E-FORCSE® outreach and education programs. It is a non-profit 501 c 3 corporation established by the legislature and whose board of directors is appointed by the State Surgeon General.

The Florida PDMP Foundation course “Improving Best Practices for Patient Care: Optimizing the Use of the PDMP Database” can be accessed on the Florida Medical Association website by signing into the online catalog, adding the course to the shopping cart and completing the complimentary purchase. Most FL-licensed prescribers (MD, DO, PA, APRN, and DPM) have an FMA online account based on Department of Health public records.

Learners may email for assistance if they are unsure of their login credentials, can't locate their account, or are recent licensees to the state of Florida.

The course may also be accessed online through CE Broker. To obtain more information about this method to obtain the course contact CE Broker at

The CDC just completed their first year of involvement in the CDC Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) grant which included the development, production and presentation of the peer-to-peer course. This course is now available online and in a live setting. The PDMP Foundation is set to embark on the second year of the grant. This phase will see the expansion of the Foundation's role through the development of webinars. This project will be national in scope and centered on opioid safety education.

Webinars are expected to include the best practices gained during presentation of the peer-to-peer course for practitioners; key messages for opioid safety; optimizing the use of the PDMP data and linking patients to opioid use disorder treatments.

The Foundation will provide more information on year two grant activities in future newsletters. The education committee will be working with the Department of Health on the development of the materials for the proposed webinars. If you have any questions on the Foundation's involvement in grant activities, please contact executive director Bob Macdonald at

[Lee Ann Brown, DO, is board certified in both Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Management. She is first vice president of the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Dr. Brown is PDMP Foundation secretary and chair of its communications committee.]

The PDMP Foundation Annual Giving Program seeks yearly charitable contributions from supporters to help fund upgrades and enhancements for outreach and educational programs for the state PDMP. Tax-deductible contributions can be made directly to the Foundation on its website at:

Contributions can be made by credit card or by sending a check to: PDMP Foundation, 10801 Starkey Rd., #104-221, Seminole, FL 33777.

In this edition of the newsletter, we are recognizing PDMP Foundation board member Greg Nazareth.

Mr. Greg Nazareth, R.Ph, is a Registered Pharmacist currently serving as Market Director for Health and Wellness Operations at Walmart.

Some of his professional accomplishments include being awarded Market Director of the Year 3 times. He previously served as Regional Director, responsible for over 150+ stores and $1 Billion dollars in sales. He was also the facilitator for Quality Assurance, and adjunct facilitator for Dale Carnegie. Most recently, he was on a committee for all controlled substance stewardship.

He is currently on the Executive Committee for the Florida PDMP Foundation, serving as Treasurer.

PDMP Foundation E-NEWS Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the Foundation’s activities in support of E-FORCSE® please contact Bob Macdonald, executive director, at

E-FORCSE® Contact Information:
To create an E-FORCSE® account, navigate to and click “Create an Account.” For technical assistance, please call 1-877-719-3120. If you have questions specific to state policy, you may contact E-FORCSE® at 850-245-4797 or by e-mail at

This effort was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 6NU17CE925020 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors (FL) and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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