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Topic for 20 August's Wednesday Webinar is Kickstarter
Join host Chris Crowell and IGDA Game Design SIG Leader Sande Chen on 20 August for a session with Howard Tsao (Team Lead of Muse Games) as he discusses lessons learned from successful Kickstarter campaigns to fund Guns of Icarus Online, a multiplayer airship combat game. To register for the free session, click here.

The IGDA hosts weekly webinars surrounding topics in the game industry. Topics rotate every week. To know about future Webinar topics, a calendar is kept here and recordings of past Webinars can be found here.
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IGDA Perspective Highlight: Effective Drama in Video Games by John Thyer
The "Effective Drama in Video Games" panel for IndiE3 was designed to… talk about the feelings and ideas that games have inspired in us over the years. I pitched the panel, and wound up cohosting it with two extremely cool people: Aevee Bee, who created the amazing online games criticism platform ZEAL, and Arden, the brilliant game designer behind Kindness Coins and the upcoming Date or Die." To read the entire article, click here.

If you feel that you have a topic for IGDA Perspectives, send us an email and pitch a story. The next theme is "Game art is art." Topics can include anything that you feel are important to the game industry and the theme. Email 500 words stories to More information can be found here.

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Upcoming Events
  • Gamescom (13-17 August, Cologne, Germany)
  • Video Gamers United Convention (16-17 August, Washington, DC, USA):
    IGDA members save 20 percent on admission and exhibitor space
  • CloudGaming USA (4-5 September, San Francisco, USA):
    IGDA members save $200; registering with the IGDA discount code donates £10 to the IGDA Foundation
  • Game Dallas (5-6 September, Addison (Dallas), USA):
    IGDA members save 20 percent
  • European Women in Games Conference (10 September, London, England)
  • D.I.C.E. Europe (23-24 September, London, England):
    Get 3 full D.I.C.E. Summit passes for the price of 2; see information below for details
  • The Creative Shift Forum (29 September, Flagey (Brussels), Belgium)
  • WIN Conference (1-4 October, Berlin, Germany):
    IGDA members save 15 percent
  • BiG Africa Summit (6-8 October, Johannesburg, South Africa):
    IGDA members save 15 percent
  • GameSoundCon (7-8 October, Los Angeles, USA):
    IGDA members save $50
  • GDC China (19-21 October, Shanghai, China):
    IGDA members save 10 percent
  • Captivate (24-26 October, Austin, USA):
    IGDA members save 20 percent on Early Bird prices (ends 3 August)
  • GDC Next (3-4 November, Los Angeles, USA):
    IGDA members save 10 percent on All Access, GDC Next or ADC Passes, limited to 100 people
  • Gaming World at Apps World (12-13 November, London, England):
    Free Event
  • PRACTICE (14-15 November, Brooklyn (NYC), USA):
    IGDA Members save $50

Click here for discount information (requires log in).
To view all upcoming IGDA and IGDA Partner events, click here.

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IGDA Developer Satisfaction Survey — Summary Report now available
The IGDA is pleased to announce the availability of the Summary Report for the 2014 Developer Satisfaction Survey. The report (in PDF form) can be found here on the IGDA website.

The Developer Satisfaction Survey is the IGDA's core annual method by which we inform ourselves and the industry about the critical questions around developers’ satisfaction. For the sake of the long-term health of our industry, we continue to strive to discern the demographic composition of game developers worldwide and tap into their knowledge, experiences and opinions on their well-being and on the state of the industry. The IGDA aims to leverage these insights to help the organization focus its energies on key issues that can be improved for the sake of individual developers as well as for the overall health of the industry. In subsequent months, the IGDA will release more detailed reports on key thematic areas of the survey, including the topics of Diversity, Employment Practices and Compensation/Benefits.

Thus far, the Developer Satifaction Survey has received press coverage from Polygon, Gamespot, Games Industry International, Gamasutra and Joystiq.

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IGDA Member Benefit: Forums Now Active
The IGDA has been working to add additional community features to its website and is ready to announce the return of the official IGDA forums. The forums intend to be the premier place for game industry professional discourse and will serve as a hub for game related conversations. The IGDA forums are currently available only to IGDA members.

Join the conversation here.

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Dan Adelman's advice for indies
Focus on price, product, promotion and platform, says former Nintendo head of digital content.

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5 tips for making a cross-platform game for mobile and PC
Many studios right now are attempting to build and release games for both mobile and PC platforms, and it's fair to say that many such attempts aren't going off without a hitch.

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Why game accessibility matters
Meet the people pushing to make video games more accessible to those with — and without — disabilities.

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Dan Adelman's advice for indies
Former Nintendo head of digital content Dan Adelman recently gave a presentation advising indies on the keys to to success around key elements like price, product, promotion and place. "In terms of the economics of the industry it's a little bit of a doom and gloom situation where you have the worst of both worlds. There's very low barriers to entry because the development tools are becoming easier and easier to use, they're becoming cheaper, anyone can make a game," he said in the IGDA Webinar, which can now be viewed in full in this article.
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What if academic tests were video games?
No, "The Legend of Zelda" won't replace the ACT or SAT anytime soon, but imagine a world in which archaic standardized tests, and perhaps even the notion of a final exam, were replaced by real-time, inherently evaluative experiences that bettered the learning process itself.
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Design laws: A look at how one team defined its game
How the team behind "Ephemerid" created the laws that define their game: "Following these rules helped us keep 'Ephemerid' focused as a game, sometimes painfully so."
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Playing video games can help or hurt, depending on whom you ask
Parents worry that video games are bad for kids, but the evidence on how and why they may be harmful has been confusing. "Most of popular media puts the most emphasis of concern on aggression," says psychologist Jay Hull from Dartmouth College. "But aggression is just the tip of the iceberg." So Hull looked at other negative behaviors that could be affected by gaming, including binge drinking, smoking cigarettes and unprotected sex. His study found that teenagers who regularly play violent video games such as Manhunt and the Grand Theft Auto series are more likely to take those risks. The study was published Aug. 11 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
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You're terrible at games, but your brain doesn't know how to tell you
If you've played games for years, there's a good chance you've been in this situation: You're running through a level. You miss an easy jump or don't get out of the way of an obvious bullet. Your character dies. Game over. And you're absolutely certain that the game screwed up and didn't register a button press. What if I told you it's actually for real not your fault in those situations? Kind of.
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Colby Horton, Vice President of Publishing, MultiView 469.420.2601
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Ross Lancaster, Senior Content Editor, MultiView, 469.420.2697  
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Alexander Bevier, Editor, IGDA 

Tristin Hightower, Editor, IGDA 

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