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What images work best on social media?

From Snapchat to Instagram and now Periscope, images reign on social media. Text has become secondary as more readers skim rather than read an entire article. When reading on the Web, and especially on social, people want to the whole story via one image. Your best bet...

source: By Emma Fitzpatrick
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Floriexpo has partnered with That Flower Feeling to boost floral consumption in the U.S. The partnership will be incorporated into the Floriexpo experience, including online donations, Golden Hour Welcome Party sponsorships, and Floral Bootcamp participation.

source: Lawn & Garden Retailer

Plant Development Services, Inc.'s Butterfly Candy collection, featuring buddleia in a compact size, is ideal for small spaces, containers, and mass plantings. The collection offers abundant blooms from spring until the first frost and is water-wise, thriving in USDA Zones...

source: Green Profit

Dümmen Orange, a global flower and plant breeder, is celebrating 25 years of operation in the North American market. Founded in 2000, the company developed the Potunia series, the first daylength-neutral petunia, and the Confetti Garden line in 2008.

source: Garden Center Magazine

The 2025 Axiom Gardening Outlook Study reveals that gardeners tend to buy more frequently at big-box stores, with Home Depot being the top choice for plants and supplies. Independent garden centers (IGCs) ranked fourth at 12%, followed...

source: Garden Center Magazine

The 5:3:2 rule is a social media content strategy that helps brands strike a balance between engaging their audience and promoting their products or services. It suggests that for every 10 posts, focus on curation, creation, and humanization.

source: Business

AI-powered location-based marketing is revolutionizing the way small businesses reach local customers, providing personalized, real-time experiences. This technology uses vast amounts of location data from GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile phones...

source: Forbes


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