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October 9, 2019 |
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LGMA provides FREE Marketing Support for Exhibitors & Organizers Grow Your Business @ Events — Plan for Success & Stay Connected
The Trade Show Network Marketing Group
According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research, more than $24 billion is spent annually by U.S. exhibitors on trade show displays, yet 70% of these еxhіbіtоrѕ set no ѕресіfіс оbjесtіvеѕ or goals for their exhibits. In 2019, event marketing teams should find ways to become goal-driven, and metrics are the place to start. There are two types of metrics to utilize: hard metrics and soft metrics.
Trade Show News Network
Trade show prep is exhausting as you scramble to get swag ordered, booth materials packed and meetings set. One task you don’t want to forget about in the midst of all that is creating content. The right piece of content is a great resource that you can use to drive brand impressions with attendees during the event — using a QR code or the like — or after, with value-based follow-up emails.
Star Press
In a normal season, autumn with its cooler temperatures and abundant moisture is the perfect time to prepare your lawn for the next season. With that being said, the fall of 2019 with little rainfall and above average temperatures have made fall lawn care such as aerating, over seeding and weed control difficult and for the most part, ineffective. All, however, is not lost. With the recent temperature change and precipitation in the forecast, hopefully things in the lawn care department can get back to normal, albeit a little later than normal.
An independent study conducted by the State of Connecticut Department of Forestry and Horticulture tested ten commercially available deer repellents to determine the most effective deer repellent. Bobbex Deer was ranked #1! Not only did Bobbex score an impressive Protective Index score of 93%, but it is natural, safe, lasting, and effective. Bobbex is proven to be a better deer repellent solution!
Green Valley News
Every desert gardening book recommends October as the prime month of the year for planting. By now plans should be made, resources checked out, and maybe even a few plants or seeds purchased. Planting at this point allows time for development of a sturdy root system before the plants’ first hot summer. With cooler autumn temperatures, new plants also escape any drying hot winds while recovering from transplant shock.
Lawn and Landscape
Pushing a spreader and dragging a spray hose may soon be distant memories for lawn care operators. That’s because more LCOs are embracing ride-on spreader/sprayer machines as technology for the equipment advances. “It’s an extremely active area of the marketplace,” says George Kinkead, president of Turfco, which makes the T3100 spreader/sprayer in Blaine, Minnesota. “There’s been a giant jump in technology.”
Businesses that aren't using social media to connect with customers are missing out on huge growth potential. Business owners have a wide range of marketing tools at their disposal. After examining numerous studies and data from real companies, it's evident that social media marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your small business.
Skyline E-Tips
One troublesome thing about Instagram is the limited opportunity to link to your website. If you have fewer than 10,000 followers, the only opportunity to create a link is within the bio on your profile. But at that critical 10,000-follower mark, Instagram provides you with a valuable ‘Swipe Up’ feature that lets you add a link to your stories. This is much less of a hassle, and much more conducive to conversions, than adding the tired, old “link in bio” text to your content.
By Lisa Mulcahy
It's never too early to start planning your digital marketing approach for the coming year! You've probably been thinking about your options and are trying to figure out what trends are the most important to pay attention to as you look at your new campaigns. Now is the time to focus your efforts on the following key areas.
 7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063