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Help Shape the Future of NANN: Call for Volunteers
Whether you’ve served on a number of NANN workgroups over the years or are just starting your leadership journey, the Call for Volunteers is a great opportunity for NANN members to get involved and make a difference. Share your unique expertise and talents with a NANN committee to help shape the future of the association and our profession!
NANN strives to appoint volunteers who are as diverse as the patients and families we serve. All members are encouraged to apply for an open position regardless of background, age, race, religion, gender, sexual identity, or experience level.
This year we are looking to fill the following open positions:
- Award Selection Task Force
- NNP Award Selection Task Force
- NANN Nominations Committee
- NANNP Nominations Committee
- Annual Conference Committee
- Membership Committee
- Research Committee
- Small Grants Committee
- Professional Development Committee
- Footprints Article Author
To learn more about open volunteer opportunities and apply, log in to MyNANN. Applications should be submitted by Wednesday, June 23. Let's shape the future of NANN together!
Reach Your Professional Goals With NANN's Mentor Program
Find, connect, and develop mentoring relationships with fellow NANN members. Accessible through NANN's community forum, MyNANN, NANN's Mentor Program helps mentors and protégés to design custom mentor relationships. Select from a suggested list of topics of interest that includes, but is not limited to:
- Bedside Clinical Educator
- Career Advancement
- Conducting Evidence Based Projects
- Leadership Development
- New NNP
- Parent Education
- Presenting Research
- Staff Management
- Writing for Publication
- Pursing an Advanced Degree - NNP, CNS, DNP, PhD
- First-time Nursing Student
NANN is looking for both mentors and protégés to participate and benefit, sign up on MyNANN today!
Not yet a member, join today and take advantage of these great programs and so much more!
Encouraging and facilitating parent bonding in the NICU is key for a healthy ecosystem that empowers parents to become confident caregivers. Kelli Kelley, Founder and CEO of Hand to Hold takes us on an emotionally moving and practical account of her family’s NICU experience providing tangible ways to foster parent bonding during the NICU journey.
The Time is Now: Answer NANN's Call for Poster Abstracts!
Join the ranks of neonatal nurses and APRNs from all over who will present their ideas, researching findings, and knowledge on a topic of interest at NANN’s VIRTUAL 37th Annual Conference this fall, scheduled for September 13-15, 2021.
Find your inspiration in the list of topics and areas of interest to get started, or suggest your own topics or ideas.
Submissions should focus on nursing, be state-of-the-art, evidence-based, and challenge neonatal nurses at all levels of expertise.
Submissions for the 2nd call for abstracts close on June 21, 2021, at 11:59 pm CDT. Start your application today!
Glyphosate exposure may increase risk for preterm birth
Prenatal exposure to glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the world, was associated with an increased odds for preterm birth, according to researchers.
“Given the widespread use of [glyphosate], mounting concerns from the toxicological literature, the methodological limitations of the currently available epidemiological literature, as well as a dearth of information about the potential health effects of [aminomethylphosphonic acid], further investigation of potential adverse pregnancy outcomes following prenatal [glyphosate] and [aminomethylphosphonic acid] exposure is warranted,” Monica K. Silver, PhD, MPH, CPH, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and colleagues wrote in Environmental Health Perspectives.
Use one affordable NeoGlo Disposable per patient to help reduce cross contamination. Simply plug into a nearby USB power source. No batteries required! Available with red or white LED lights to illuminate veins, arteries, and other internal structures. Made in the USA. Click to learn more.
Neonatal testing for rare diseases: The power of knowing
While in concept it is straightforward to develop a neonatal testing panel for rare (and common) diseases, the greater challenges are in the dissemination of this panel and the training of medical personnel concerning what to do with the information. Neonatal testing represents a weapon for early detection of rare disease, but implementation is key.
As a thank you for everything you do, Pampers Professional provides free continuing education courses developed by our partners. Share the love and forward the link to nurses you know in honor of National Nurses Week.
Kangaroo care: Newborn-mother bonding technique helps NICU baby grow
There’s a special bond between a parent and baby, but for a first time Twin Cities mom, a unique closeness has made all the difference after some health scares for both mother and child.
For the past three months, Heather Kinney and her newborn daughter Lucy were at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis since the girl was born 14 weeks early weighing less than two pounds.
School-aged children born very preterm may have cognitive deficits
Contemporary Pediatrics
Children born at a gestational age of 22 to 27 weeks are at significant risk of cognitive impairment at age 6.5 years, as are a substantial proportion of children born at a GA of 28-31 weeks. However, whereas neonatal conditions affect the prevalence of cognitive impairment of the former group (extremely preterm), these associations are not as evident in those in the latter group (very pre-term), according to a recent study.
New camera technology unites families with premature babies even when they're apart
First-of-its-kind technology in Southern Colorado allows local families at Penrose St. Francis Hospital to be with their premature babies even when they’re physically somewhere else.
“We’re already having a lot of anxiety as it is, but I believe it would be tenfold if it wasn’t for this program,” said Sydney Keller, mother to Octavia Rose.
Thousands of industry professionals subscribe to association news briefs, which allows your company to push messaging directly to their inboxes and take advantage of the association's brand affinity.
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MoCD Type A progresses rapidly and often leads to death. STAT outlines 4 steps to help you make the critical early diagnosis. A missed diagnosis can mean a missed opportunity to fight this devastating disease.
Unraveling the epidemiology and clinical impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection in neonates
Acta Pædiatrica
The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has transformed the means by which health care is delivered, including perinatal care. Given neonates have unique vulnerabilities to acquiring infections, determining optimal practices to prevent and respond to neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infections has been an area of much discussion and debate amongst perinatal healthcare providers.
'Protect and invest': WHO calls for 6 million more nurses worldwide
The Guardian
Health ministers around the world are being urged to sign off on plans to create 6 million more nursing jobs by 2030, amid warnings that COVID-19 has exacerbated a global shortage and could spark a “brain drain” from the developing world. Delegates meeting virtually at the World Health Assembly, the key decision-making body of the World Health Organization, are expected to adopt a resolution calling on countries to transform the nursing profession through more investment, support and training.
The next generation RetCam Envision™ offers advanced image quality for pediatric ocular imaging. With maximum visualization of detail, you’ll have the ability to offer your young patients earlier detection of eye diseases with timely intervention. Experience an ultra-wide field-of-view with brilliant colored images you need to see to believe.
Veinlite Neo is the only device on the market designed to locate both veins and arteries in neonates – perfect for the NICU/newborn nursery. Veinlite Neo uses “through the body” transillumination, allowing gentle care of even the tiniest newborns. Finding and accessing veins and arteries on neonates has never been easier!
Why 2021 is the year for nurse leaders
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Nurses are there for people “when they come into this world and when they go out of it — and everywhere in between,” Christy Dempsey, chief nursing officer emeritus at Press Ganey Associates, said in her keynote address during The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s 16th Celebrating Nurses Awards. Nurse leaders are there for those nurses.
Take the next step with an advanced nursing degree from ODUOnline. Select your MSN from eight specialized options to match your interest and passion. Go even further with our fully accredited Doctor of Nursing Practice, perfect for nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists and nurse anesthetists.
Thousands of industry professionals subscribe to association news briefs, which allows your company to push messaging directly to their inboxes and take advantage of the association's brand affinity.
Connect with Highly Defined Buyers and Maximize Your Brand Exposure
More transparency needed to ensure success of global COVID-19 response
University of Toronto via Medical Xpress
A lack of transparency in COVID-19 vaccine trials and deals signed between governments and drug companies could undermine the global response to the pandemic, warn researchers at the University of Toronto and Transparency International in a new report. Published by Transparency International, "For Whose Benefit?" takes an in-depth look at the development and sale of the world's top 20 COVID-19 vaccines, including those developed by Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.
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