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Kidney "living donations" favor some patient groups
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Americans who receive a kidney from someone who is not a relative tend to be white, highly educated and live in wealthier neighborhoods, according to a new study that calls for wider outreach to promote living donation. Researchers say the findings demonstrate that financial and educational barriers to donating a kidney make it harder for the poor and minorities to give or receive an organ. More


ASTS Councilor-at-Large and officer elections
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ASTS introduced a new elections process this year. There was a robust response to the call for nominations, and the caliber of the nominees was exceptional. The Nominations Committee reviewed all nominations, biography forms, and letters of support. Based on these deliberations, the Nominations Committee selected 1 candidate for the President-Elect position, 3 candidates for the Treasurer position, and 6 candidates for the 3 Councilor-at-Large positions to be put forward on the ballot. Eligible voting members recently received an email with a secure link to cast their votes. Voting will be available through May 20, 2012, and the election results will be announced at the Annual Business Meeting at ATC on June 5, 2012. More

Come see ASTS in Boston
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If you're attending the American Transplant Congress in Boston in June, ASTS invites you to join its members for several Society-specific events. On Sunday, June 3, the ASTS Pioneer Award will be presented, honoring an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of transplantation. On Monday, June 4, ASTS will honor recipients of this year's grant awards, followed by President Mitchell L. Henry, MD, delivering his Presidential Address. At the annual business meeting on Tuesday, June 5, members will vote on bylaws changes and learn the results of ASTS' first-ever online elections for the president-elect, treasurer, and councilor-at-large positions. The Members' Reception immediately follows the business meeting.

Don't forget to stop by the ASTS booth in the exhibit hall and pick up the new annual report!


SPK transplants may offer no advantage for type 2 diabetes
Renal & Urology News    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation offers no patient or survival advantage over deceased-donor kidney transplantation alone (DDKA) for selected patients with type 2 diabetes, new findings suggest. More

Preservation solutions for static cold storage of kidney allografts: A systematic review and meta-analysis
American Journal of Transplantation    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Static cold storage is the most prevalent method for renal allograft preservation. Several solutions have been designed to counteract the detrimental effects of cold ischemia and reperfusion. The aim of this study was to appraise the evidence for the currently available preservation solutions. More

Effects of ethnicity and socioeconomic status on survival and severity of fibrosis in liver transplant recipients with hepatitis C virus
Liver Transplantation Journal (paid subscription required)    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
The ethnicity and socioeconomic status of the host may affect the progression of hepatitis C virus (HCV). We aimed to compare survival and fibrosis progression in Hispanic white (HW) and non-Hispanic white (NHW) recipients of liver transplantation (LT) with HCV. All HW and NHW patients with HCV who underwent transplantation between January 2000 and December 2007 at two centers were retrospectively assessed. More

Is extracorporeal hypothermic machine perfusion of the liver better than the 'good old icebox'?
Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation (paid subscription required)    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
The phase I clinical trial of liver HMP has suggested superiority over static cold storage (SCS) preservation. The liver transplant arena has gained more sophisticated insights into the molecular mechanism and biomechanical understanding behind the benefits of HMP. More

Value of screening for kidney disease unclear
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Screening people to catch early kidney disease may sound like a good idea, but there is no research to prove that it's worthwhile, according to a new review. In the U.S., about 11 percent of adults have chronic kidney disease, the vast majority of whom have early-stage disease. More

Th17 cells induce a distinct graft rejection response that does not require IL-17A
American Journal of Transplantation    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
IL-17A-producing helper T (Th17) cells have been implicated in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease, inflammatory bowel disease and graft rejection, however the mechanisms by which they cause tissue damage remain ill-defined. We examined what damage Th17 cell lines could inflict on allogeneic skin grafts in the absence of other adaptive lymphocytes. More

Guidry & East

Guidry & East is a transplant consulting firm specializing in Transplant business solutions, Transplant financial and operations, along with the Medicare Organ Acquisition Cost Report.
Advertise here!

To find out how to feature your company in the ASTS Newsbrief and other advertising opportunities, Contact James DeBois at 469-420-2618

Fracture risk not higher in living kidney donors
Renal & Urology News    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Living kidney donors are at not increased fracture risk, according to a Canadian study. Amit X. Garg, MD, PhD, of Western University in London, Ontario, and collaborators reviewed the medical charts of 2,015 living adults who donated a kidney in Ontario between 1992 and 2009. More

iPod video used to encourage organ donation
Reuters    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
An organ donation video people can watch on an iPod while they wait at the Department of Motor Vehicles may encourage more to become donors, a new study suggests. Researchers found that for folks getting a driver's license in their county, the iPod video seemed to sway the decision on becoming an organ donor. More

Sirolimus lowers NMSC risk in transplant recipients
Renal & Urology News    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Switching from a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) to sirolimus for immunosuppression may decrease the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in kidney transplant recipients with a history of NMSC, according to researchers. More

Lack of health insurance in living kidney donors
Clinical Transplantation (paid subscription required)    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Living donors are recommended to receive lifelong routine health maintenance after donation. There has been little examination of health insurance status among living donors, despite the fact that lack of health insurance is likely to impede donors' ability to obtain long-term health care post-donation. More

April is organ donation awareness month
WPRI-TV    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
April is Organ Donation Awareness Month. Last year, organ donors saved more than 28,000 lives. An additional one million people received tissue transplants. While 28,000 is a great number, there's still an organ shortage. "There are currently more than 110,000 men, women, and children in the United States waiting for a lifesaving transplant," said Dr. William Cioffi, president of University Surgical Associates. More
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