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June 27, 2016 |
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American Journal of Transplantation (login required)
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a common malignancy following kidney transplantation. We describe RCC risk and examine RCC risk factors among US kidney recipients (1987–2010). The Transplant Cancer Match Study links the US transplant registry with 15 cancer registries. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were used to compare RCC risk (overall and for clear cell and papillary subtypes) to the general population. Associations with risk factors were assessed using Cox models.
Regular registration rates for the 7th Annual ASTS Leadership Development Program are in effect through August 11, when increased late rates will apply. We hope you'll join us Sept. 11-14, 2016, for this one-of-a-kind course!
The ASTS Living Donation Committee has created a brief survey to assess the transplant community's views to determine current attitudes toward the use of anonymous non-directed living donors (ANDLDs) who present their willingness to donate through the use of social media.
2015 was a great year for ASTS! Check out this infographic for a glance at how we did.
News Medical
Up to 30 percent of people who receive organ transplants will develop diabetes, but researchers are unsure why. Although doctors typically blame immunosuppressive drugs that transplant recipients take to prevent organ rejection, it's unclear why some people develop the lifelong disorder, while others do not. A new study in kidney transplant recipients suggests that patients with more inflammation prior to surgery are more likely to develop diabetes than those with less overall inflammation, and that a patient's fat stores also play a role. The research, published in the journal CardioRenal Medicine, suggests there may be opportunities for intervention and reducing the rate of diabetes in kidney recipients.
Historically, postliver transplant patients with chronic hepatitis C have had worse outcomes than nonhepatitis C-related causes because of accelerated fibrosis posttransplantation and the lack of effective well tolerated therapies for hepatitis C, and posttransplant hepatitis C patients have been considered a special population. Since 2013, we have entered the era of all oral direct acting antiviral agents for hepatitis C with sustained response rates that are consistently above 90 percent in nontransplant patients.
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- customized, personal wait list management
- data validation that impacts your "expected" number
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American Journal of Transplantation (login required)
In this paper, we have reviewed the literature and report on kidney donors that are currently used at relatively low rates. Kidneys from donors with acute kidney injury (AKI) seem to have outcomes equivalent to those from donors without AKI, provided one can rule out significant cortical necrosis. Kidneys from donors with preexisting diabetes or hypertension may have marginally lower aggregate survival but still provide patients with a significant benefit over remaining on the wait list.
Nephrology News
The University of California San Francisco Medical Center performed 356 kidney or kidney/pancreas transplants in 2015, the most out of all transplant centers in the United States. The center was also the busiest in 2014, when it performed 354 transplants, and in 2013, when it performed 357 transplants.
Methodist Specialty and Transplant in San Antonio Texas was the second busiest center in 2015, performing 323 kidney or kidney/pancreas transplants. The center was ranked 5th busiest in 2014, performing 290 transplants.
Miami Herald
A meeting to renew the annual operating agreement between Jackson Health System and the University of Miami Health System or UHealth — valued at $141.6 million for the coming year — briefly turned into a high-stakes poker match on Wednesday with Jackson's board chairman threatening to put the entire deal on the line if UHealth did not make a long-term commitment that its doctors will perform organ transplants exclusively at Miami-Dade’s public hospital network.
PLoS One
Liver transplantation for hilar cholangiocarcinoma (hCCA) has regained attention since the Mayo Clinic reported their favorable results with the use of a neo-adjuvant chemoradiation protocol. However, debate remains whether the success of the protocol should be attributed to the neo-adjuvant therapy or to the strict selection criteria that are being applied. The aim of this study was to investigate the value of patient selection alone on the outcome of liver transplantation for hCCA.
Military Times
A novel kidney transplant program at the Defense Department's flagship hospital potentially could increase the number of organs available to military patients as well as civilians.
At an "organ summit" held June 13 at the White House, surgeons from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, announced a first-of-its-kind program that will transfer a kidney from a deceased donor into an ill patient who has a designated living donor, but who can't receive his or her kidney because it is not an exact match.
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