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Transplant cytomegalovirus infection test approved by FDA
Medical News Today    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
The FDA has approved a DNA test — COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan CMV Test — to measure the efficacy of anti-viral treatment in solid organ transplant recipients who are being administered CMV (cytomegalovirus) antiviral therapy. The viral load test can determine, from a sample of the patient's blood plasma, levels of CMV nucleic acid. More


UNOS webinar on Kidney Paired Donation - July 25
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UNOS will host the webinar "Demystifying the OPTN Kidney Paired Donation Pilot Program Part 4: Navigating the Logistics of Kidney Paired Donation" July 25, 2012, 2–3 p.m. EST. Register Now

Share your success story
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ASTS' member magazine, Chimera, wants to let everyone know about your latest career move, hire, or award. Please email your information to by July 20. We also offer the chance to profile your transplant program in our "Across the Field" section with a short write-up and photo of your team. Please consider taking advantage of this easy way to gain recognition for your hard work! For questions or to submit a profile, contact

Join the conversation with CenterSpan
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CenterSpan is the listserv where your colleagues go to discuss transplantation and immunology topics. It's an easy way to get your peers' thoughts on your latest challenge and to contribute your expertise by weighing in on someone else's question. Don't be left out of the conversation! Sign up at today.


Evidence for kidney rejection after combined bone marrow and renal transplantation despite ongoing whole-blood chimerism in rhesus macaques
American Journal of Transplantation    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Although there is evidence linking hematopoietic chimerism induction and solid organ transplant tolerance, the mechanistic requirements for chimerism-induced tolerance are not clearly elucidated. To address this, we used an MHC-defined primate model to determine the impact of impermanent, T cell-poor, mixed-chimerism on renal allograft survival. We compared two cohorts: one receiving a bone marrow and renal transplant ("BMT/renal") and one receiving only a renal transplant. More

Prolong Graft Survival - DSA Monitoring
Donor Specific Antibody (DSA) May Lead to Poor Graft Survival
  • Pre- and Post- Transplant Risk Assessment
  • Detects Low-Level Presence of DSA
  • Supported by HLA Fusion Software
  • Designed for Clinical and Research Applications
One Lambda - LABScreen® Single Antigen

Native kidney RCC outcomes vary by ESRD treatment
Renal & Urology News    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) that arises in the native kidneys of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) exhibit more favorable features in kidney transplant recipients than in dialysis-only patients, according to a new study. More

New guidelines help protect the hearts of those waiting for kidney and liver transplants
University of Michigan    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
As thousands of Americans await a life-saving kidney or liver transplant, medical teams are paying close attention to another organ: their hearts. The American Heart Association attempts to bring harmony to the varied cardiac evaluation policies created at U.S. hospitals that assess a patient's overall health before transplant surgery. More

Outcomes of living donor liver transplantation for patients with preoperative type 1 hepatorenal syndrome and acute hepatic decompensation
Liver Transplantation Journal (paid subscription required)    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
This study investigated the outcomes of living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) for patients with preoperative type 1 hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) and acute hepatic decompensation. Prospectively collected data for 104 patients who had fulminant hepatic failure, acute decompensation of cirrhosis, or an acute flare of chronic hepatitis B were analyzed. More

Improved outcomes in pediatric liver transplants don't have to mean higher cost
Medical Xpress    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
A Johns Hopkins Children's Center study of patients who received liver transplants from living donors has found that better outcomes need not come with a heftier price tag. The study, published online ahead of print in the journal Pediatric Transplantation, looked at 52 children paired up with 53 living donors who underwent transplantation at Hopkins between 1992 and 2010. The researchers found steady improvements in survival rates and overall outcomes without a significant increase in healthcare spending. More

Study finds more precise way to estimate kidney function
Bioscience Technology    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Measuring creatinine and cystatin C — two markers for chronic kidney disease (CKD) — more precisely estimates kidney function than either marker alone, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. Results appear in the July 5 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. More

Guidry & East

Guidry & East is a transplant consulting firm specializing in Transplant business solutions, Transplant financial and operations, along with the Medicare Organ Acquisition Cost Report.
Advertise here!

To find out how to feature your company in the ASTS Newsbrief and other advertising opportunities, Contact James DeBois at 469-420-2618

Pentraxin-3 expression in acute renal allograft rejection
Clinical Transplantation    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Pentraxin-3 (PTX3) is an acute phase reactant produced by a variety of cell types at sites of local inflammation. We examined by immunohistochemistry renal biopsies from patients with acute rejection (n = 10), protocol biopsies without rejection (n = 37), and peri-operative donor biopsies of the same transplant patients (n = 94) for intra-renal expression of PTX3, and its correlation with clinical, laboratory, and histopathologic parameters. More

Lung transplantation in patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis
PubMed    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis can develop chronic respiratory failure and require lung transplantation. A retrospective review was performed of the 712 referrals and 143 patients undergoing unilateral or bilateral lung transplantation at the University of Kentucky Medical Center between January 1999 and July 2009. There were no pulmonary complications because of the native lung in patients after a single lung transplant, with otherwise good clinical outcomes seen after lung transplantation. More

Idaho has 696,000 organ donors, no transplant bank
Idaho Press-Tribune    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Across the country, the need for organ donations far outweighs the supply. But that doesn't mean people aren't willing to donate. In Idaho alone there are enough willing donors — about 696,000 — to cover the national waiting list of about 114,800. More

ASTS NewsBrief
Colby Horton, Vice President of Publishing, 469.420.2601
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Tammy Gibson, Content Editor, 469.420.2677   
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