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Clinical Transplantation
Coronary angiography (CA) is the gold standard evaluation of coronary artery disease in potential multi‐organ donors. This use of iodinated contrast media could lead to contrast‐induced acute kidney injury and consequently to delayed graft function (DGF). All patients in France who received a kidney from a 45‐70‐year‐old donor without medical contraindication for cardiac donation and with at least one cardiovascular risk factor were included.
The ASTS "Kidney Transplant Financial Bootcamp: A Focus on the Details," is almost full! This one-day course will be held Friday, August 10, at the Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel. Don’t miss this deep dive into the financial aspects of a managing a successful kidney transplant program!
The 2018 Leadership Development Program will be held September 23-26 at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This highly customized, interactive three-day program provides education on the essential skills necessary to successfully lead transplant centers within a complex financial and regulatory environment.
The Fall 2018 ASTS Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy (LDN) Workshop will be held at the University of Colorado Center for Surgical Innovation in Denver. The two-day course will feature a live surgery viewing, a hands-on cadaver lab, and talks from pioneers of the laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. Space is limited to 18 participants.
American Journal of Transplantation
Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplants offer significant therapeutic advantages but present a diagnostic approach dilemma in the diagnosis of rejection. Since both organs are from the same donor the kidney has been traditionally treated as the “sentinel” organ to biopsy, presumably representing the status of both allografts. Truly concurrent biopsy studies, however are needed to confirm this hypothesis. We examined 101 concurrent biopsies from 70 patients with dysfunction in either or both organs.
Through the UPMC Complex CareConnect™ program, UPMC extends its expertise across the country.
Working with partner hospitals, UPMC coordinates living donor liver transplant surgery at UPMC — and pre-and
post-surgery care at the partner hospital. By accepting the most complex cases, UPMC is bringing more
hope to liver transplant patients.
Learn more.
Liver Transplantation
Given the scarcity of donated organs and the frequency of death on the waiting list, strategies that could improve the available supply of high‐quality liver grafts are much needed. Direct‐acting antiviral agent (DAA) regimens have proved to be highly effective to treat hepatitis C virus (HCV), even in the setting of posttransplantation.
The first and only clinically and analytically validated blood test that measures donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA), a direct indicator of kidney injury
Covered by Medicare
CareDx’s ATC 2018 – Seattle Lunch Symposium – view
AlloSure 101 – Development & Summary Webinar – view
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Clinical Transplantation
Fever occurs frequently early after pancreas transplant, however the exact cause is often undetermined. Limited data are available on pancreas recipients experiencing unexplained, non‐infectious fever. This study aims to characterize unexplained fever (UF) in pancreas recipients and its effect on patient and graft outcomes.
Annals of Internal Medicine
Direct-acting antiviral agents are now available to treat chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The aim of this study was to examine whether it is more cost-effective to transplant HCV-infected or HCV-uninfected kidneys into HCV-infected patients.
American Journal of Transplantation
Non‐invasive biomarkers are needed to monitor stable patients following kidney transplantation (KT), as sub‐clinical acute rejection (subAR), currently detectable only with surveillance biopsies can lead to chronic rejection and graft loss. We conducted a multi‐center study to develop a blood‐based molecular biomarker for subAR using peripheral blood paired with surveillance biopsies and strict clinical phenotyping algorithms for discovery and validation.
American Journal of Transplantation
Tacrolimus, the major immunosuppressant after heart transplantation therapy is a narrow therapeutic index drug. Hence, achieving stable therapeutic steady state plasma concentrations is essential to ensure efficacy while avoiding toxicity. Whether high variability in steady state concentrations is associated with poor outcomes is unknown. We investigated the association between tacrolimus trough level variability during the first year post‐heart transplantation and outcomes during and beyond the first postoperative year.
American Journal of Transplantation
Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) may occur at any time following liver transplantation. We describe our experience with portal vein recanalization in cases of thrombosis after liver transplantation. Twenty‐eight children (5%) out of 566 liver transplant recipients underwent portal vein recanalization using a transmesenteric approach. All children received left hepatic segments, developed PVT and had symptoms or signs of portal hypertension.
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