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American Journal of Transplantation
Social support is used to determine transplant eligibility despite lack of an evidence base and vague regulatory guidance. It is unknown how many patients are disqualified from transplantation due to inadequate support, and whether providers feel confident using these subjective criteria to determine eligibility.
Submissions for the 2019 ASTS Recognition Awards are being accepted through August 29.
The 2018 Leadership Development Program will be held September 23-26 at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This highly customized, interactive three-day program provides education on the essential skills necessary to successfully lead transplant centers within a complex financial and regulatory environment.
The Fall 2018 ASTS Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy (LDN) Workshop will be held at the University of Colorado Center for Surgical Innovation in Denver. The two-day course will feature a live surgery viewing, a hands-on cadaver lab, and talks from pioneers of the laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. Space is limited to 18 participants.
American Journal of Transplantation
The aim of this study was to determine how the Banff antibody‐mediated rejection (ABMR) classification for kidney transplantation is interpreted in practice and affects therapy. The Banff Antibody‐Mediated Injury Workgroup electronically surveyed clinicians and pathologists worldwide regarding diagnosis and treatment for 6 case‐based scenarios.
Through the UPMC Complex CareConnect™ program, UPMC extends its expertise across the country.
Working with partner hospitals, UPMC coordinates living donor liver transplant surgery at UPMC — and pre-and
post-surgery care at the partner hospital. By accepting the most complex cases, UPMC is bringing more
hope to liver transplant patients.
Learn more.
AAD via Newswise
While anyone can develop skin cancer, regardless of age, race or gender, certain groups of people have a higher risk of getting the disease than others. Because organ transplant patients must take medication to suppress their immune system, they are among those with an increased risk — and the skin cancers that develop in these patients are often more aggressive, with a poor prognosis.
American Journal of Transplantation
Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) may occur at any time following liver transplantation. We describe our experience with portal vein recanalization in cases of thrombosis after liver transplantation. Twenty‐eight children (5%) out of 566 liver transplant recipients underwent portal vein recanalization using a transmesenteric approach. All children received left hepatic segments, developed PVT and had symptoms or signs of portal hypertension.
The first and only clinically and analytically validated blood test that measures donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA), a direct indicator of kidney injury
Covered by Medicare
CareDx’s ATC 2018 – Seattle Lunch Symposium – view
AlloSure 101 – Development & Summary Webinar – view
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Clinical Transplantation
In the general population, obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing hypertension (HTN), type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and end‐stage renal disease (ESRD). Therefore, most transplant centers have a body mass index (BMI) threshold for accepting living kidney donors. But there have been no studies of postdonation weight gain trends and any associated risks.
Medical Xpress
Stanford researchers have joined forces to learn how immune cells in some kidney transplant patients fight a common virus. The work could lead to a test to predict who is at risk, and possibly develop new treatments. Organ transplants save lives, but the immune-suppressing drugs needed to protect transplants leave recipients susceptible to potentially deadly infections like cytomegalovirus, or CMV. Now, a team of Stanford researchers is trying to predict which kidney transplant patients might be at risk.
American Journal of Transplantation
Long‐standing research has shown that increased lipid content in donor livers is associated with inferior graft outcomes post-transplant. The global epidemic that is obesity has increased the prevalence of steatosis in organ donors, to the extent that it has become one of the main reasons for declining livers for transplantation. Consequently, it is one of the major culprits behind the discrepancy between the number of donor livers offered for transplantation and those that go on to be transplanted.
The lifespan of a transplant kidney has significantly improved over the last thirty years. Between 1986 and 1995, 75 percent of the transplanted kidneys still functioned five years after the transplant. Between 2006 and 2015, this number had already risen to 84 percent. However, an international study lead by kidney specialist Maarten Naesens of KU Leuven shows that the progress is stagnating.
By Chelsea Adams
Heart transplants survive longer in mice with genetically enhanced DEPTOR, a regulatory protein in immune cells. The study was conducted at Boston Children's Hospital and published in the July 3 issue of the American Journal of Transplantation. In the experiment, mice that received heart transplantations but no immunosuppressive drugs survived an average of seven days. However, mice treated with genetically enhanced DEPTOR activity survived an average of 35 days.
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