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American Journal of Transplantation
Live attenuated vaccines are currently contraindicated in solid‐organ transplant recipients. However, the risk of vaccine‐preventable infections is lifelong, and can be particularly severe after transplantation. In this prospective interventional national cohort study, 44 pediatric liver transplant recipients with measles IgG antibodies <150 IU/L (below seroprotection threshold) received measles‐mumps‐rubella vaccine (MMR) at a median of 6.3 years post‐transplantation (interquartile range, 4.0 to 10.9).
Interested in advocating for your patients on Capitol Hill? Join us for the inaugural ASTS Advocacy Day to learn more about legislation affecting the transplant community and tools needed to strategize and hone your message October 16-17, 2018.
Only a few spots remain for the 2018 Leadership Development Program, September 23-26 at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University! This unique course provides education on the essential skills necessary to successfully lead transplant centers within a complex financial and regulatory environment.
The Fall 2018 ASTS Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy (LDN) Workshop will be held at the University of Colorado Center for Surgical Innovation in Denver November 2-3. The two-day course will feature a live surgery viewing, a hands-on cadaver lab, and talks from pioneers of the laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. Space is limited to 18 participants.
American Journal of Transplantation
This month, “The AJT Report” focuses on the efforts of the Transplant Therapeutics Consortium, a collaborative venture within the academic transplant community that aims to identify unmet medical needs in the field and help spur the development of new transplant drugs. We also provide information on AJT's joint work with medical societies to offer new educational opportunities to members of the transplant community.
Liver Transplantation
Recent studies have reported high rates of re‐intervention after primary stenting for hepatic artery stenosis (HAS) due to loss of primary patency. The aims of this study were to evaluate outcomes of primary stenting after HAS in a large cohort with long term follow‐up.
Through the UPMC Complex CareConnect™ program, UPMC extends its expertise across the country.
Working with partner hospitals, UPMC coordinates living donor liver transplant surgery at UPMC — and pre-and
post-surgery care at the partner hospital. By accepting the most complex cases, UPMC is bringing more
hope to liver transplant patients.
Learn more.
Clinical Transplantation
Renal replacement therapy (RRT) after heart transplant (HT) is associated with worse prognosis. We aimed to identify predictors of RRT and the impact of this complication on long‐term survival.
Cohort study of HT patients. Univariate and multivariate competing‐risk regression was performed to identify independent predictors of RRT. The cumulative incidence function was plotted for RRT. The Kaplan‐Meier method was used to compare long‐term survival.
American Journal of Transplantation
Delayed graft function (DGF) is a risk factor for acute rejection (AR) in renal transplant recipients and KDIGO guidelines suggest use of lymphocyte depletion induction when DGF is anticipated. We analyzed the UNOS/OPTN database to assess the impact of induction immunosuppression on the risk of AR in deceased kidney recipients based on pre‐transplant risk of DGF using a validated model.
The first and only clinically and analytically validated blood test that measures donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA), a direct indicator of kidney injury
Covered by Medicare
CareDx’s ATC 2018 – Seattle Lunch Symposium – view
AlloSure 101 – Development & Summary Webinar – view
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Liver Transplantation
Rejection is one of the most important drawbacks for graft and patient survival in intestinal and multivisceral transplantation. However, there is no consensus on the diagnostic criteria for humoral rejection and the literature about the role of donor specific antibodies (DSA) on the allograft outcome and the risk factors that contribute to their development is scant with contradictory results. The present study analyzes the role of DSA exclusively in a pediatric cohort of 43 transplants.
American Journal of Transplantation
Hearts from older donors are increasingly utilized for transplantation due to unmet demand. Conflicting evidence exists regarding the prognosis of recipients of advanced age donor hearts, especially in young recipients. A retrospective analysis was performed on 11,433 patients aged 18‐45 who received a cardiac transplant from 2000‐2017.
Clinical Transplantation
To assess the incidence of Acute kidney injury (AKI) and its common etiologies in kidney transplant recipients and the effect of AKI's characteristics on graft survival. In a retrospective longitudinal cohort study, all serum creatinine (SCr) values of patients that had kidney transplantation between 01/2002‐12/2010 were retrieved.
By Lynn Hetzler
The last 30 years have seen significant improvements in the lifespan of a transplanted kidney, but improvements in organ transplant survival in the U.S. and Europe have slowed recently, says a new international study. Predictably, this has researchers worried. Specifically, the study found that between 1986 and 1995, 75 percent of transplanted organs were still functioning five years after transplantation. The five-year kidney survival rate had reached 84 percent between 2006 and 2015.
Liver Transplantation
Cancer after liver transplantation (LT) constitutes a threat also for young recipients, but cancer risk factors are usually absent in children and large studies on cancer risk profile in young LT recipients are scarce. Data of patients younger than 30 years who underwent LT 1982‐2013 in the Nordic countries was linked with respective national cancer registries to calculate standardized incidence ratios (SIR).
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