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Top A&WMA Newswire Articles of 2021
As 2021 comes to a close, A&WMA would like to wish its members, partners and other industry professionals a safe and happy holiday season. As we reflect on the past year for the industry, we would like to provide a look back at the most accessed articles from the year. Look for more of the top articles from 2021 in the Dec. 29 issue. Our regular publication will resume Wednesday, Jan. 5.
5 alternative energy sources to speed our transition away from fossil fuels
From Oct. 13: As climate change fuels more extreme weather events, and environmental disasters like last weekend's oil spill threaten wildlife and human health, more people are banking on clean, carbon-free energy to speed the world's transition away from fossil fuels and usher in a net-zero future.
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Study reveals US can achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
Daily Californian
From Feb. 3: With climate change continuing to affect the planet, a study published Jan. 14 revealed that the path to zero — and potentially negative — carbon dioxide emissions in the United States is affordable and could be reached by 2050.
Conducted by researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, or Berkeley Lab, the University of San Francisco and a consulting firm, the study examined eight different plans to reduce carbon emissions and identified strategies with the lowest costs. According to the study, carbon neutrality by 2050 could cost $1 per person a day.
- FEM-quality absorbance measurements for O3, NO2, and NO
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- Optical particle counter with sheath flow and heated inlet for PM1, PM2.5, and PM10
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- Power-stingy requirements enable options for *powering with battery or solar panel
What the Supreme Court's move means for EPA climate rules
E&E News
From Nov. 3: The Supreme Court may be poised to put new guardrails on the Biden administration’s climate agenda after justices agreed last week to consider the extent of EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions.
The court sent shock waves through the legal world when it agreed Friday to consider a consolidated challenge from Republican-led states and coal companies. The challenge stemmed from a federal court ruling that struck down a Trump-era regulation gutting EPA’s climate rule for power plants.
High risk, low reward drives shift from power generation
Houston Chronicle
From March 17: How did Texas get to the point where more than half its electricity generation got knocked offline?
The failure of so many power plants during the brutal winter weather that swept through Texas last month was perhaps years in the making, the result of a merchant power industry that has struggled to earn profits, satisfy Wall Street and keep the confidence of lenders and investors.
Restarting Texas' frozen energy heartland will be a climate mess
From Feb. 24: Like a cold-blooded animal—a lizard or a snake—the petrochemical hub that is the state of Texas went dormant during the deep freeze. Eventually, it’ll wake up again, and when it does the damage will be worse than if it never went to sleep.
Filings submitted in recent days to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, or TCEQ, already show significant emissions related to stopping and restarting fossil fuel infrastructure. It’s an indication of what’s to come in a state that’s home to a quarter of U.S. natural gas production as well as half the oil production.
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Batteries used in hearing aids could be key to the future of renewable energy
From June 2: If necessity is the mother of invention, potential profit has to be the father. Both incentives are driving an effort to transform zinc batteries from small, throwaway cells often used in hearing aids into rechargeable behemoths that could be attached to the power grid, storing solar or wind power for nighttime or when the wind is calm. With startups proliferating and lab studies coming thick and fast, “Zinc batteries are a very hot field,” says Chunsheng Wang, a battery expert at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Lion’s Complete Environmental Regulations training prepares you to identify the EPA air, water, and chemical programs that impact your facility. Learn at your own pace or join a live, instructor-led webinar:
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Can the future of electric vehicles destroy the ethanol industry?
From March 3: America is in the early stages of a shift from combustion engine cars and trucks to all-electric vehicles, or EV. Electric cars are quiet, sporty and cost a fraction to charge than it costs to gas up their traditional counterparts. But as more motorists reach for the plug instead of the pump, some are concerned it will hurt farmers so connected to a healthy biofuels market.
California just hit 95% renewable energy. Will other states come along for the ride?
Los Angeles Times
From May 5: Something remarkable happened over the weekend: California hit nearly 95% renewable energy.
I’ll say it again: 95% renewables. For all the time we spend talking about how to reach 100% clean power, it sometimes seems like a faraway proposition, whether the timeframe is California’s 2045 target or President Biden’s more aggressive 2035 goal. But on Saturday just before 2:30 p.m., one of the world’s largest economies came within a stone’s throw of getting there.
 7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063