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Creating superior athletic facilities through an interactive workshop environment with agency staff and user groups
CPRS Job Highlight
The CPRS Job Center currently has over 30 job announcements; Here is a current job announcement that may interest you.
Parks and Recreation Director, Lathrop — click here for details.
CPRS District Highlight
CPRS District 10 Mentoring Workshop "3 Keys After Degrees", January 23, click here for more details.
Forum Highlight
Question about merging Parks, Library, and Com Service Departments
We are wondering if anyone would be able to provide some insight into the merging of Parks and Recreation/Library/Community Service Departments into one Department. Opinions, pros and cons, would be welcome, but we are mainly interested in some basic feedback as to if your city has gone ahead and made the decision to merge departments as we have here in Salinas, Ca. Click here to answer.
Vote now for your CPRS elected officials
If you are a CPRS voting member, you will have received your CPRS Electronic Ballot. Please be sure to vote for your CPRS State Board of Directors and your District/Sections boards. Click here to access the CPRS electronic voting system.
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Staff training for around $20/month?
Interested in a monthly Webinar series developed especially for the parks and recreation profession? Last year's CPRS DePR series sold out. Here's the scoop:
- Monthly webinars (same day and time each month) are presented LIVE by the park and recreation profession's best trainers.
- This year's topics include: Starting with Your Why, Risk Management, Personal Brand Building, Event Collaboration, Elevating Employee Morale, Best Practices to Next Practices, Purpose Driven Programming, Parks & Recreation—Both Departments Leading Together, Sponsorship ROI, Managing Millennials, Political Savvy and ending with a Show & Tell Session!
- You can participate alone or in a group (lots of agencies use the webinars to bring high-quality education directly to staff — especially staff who don't usually get to conferences.)
- You pay the same price no matter how many people are gathered around your monitor or screen.
- CEUs are offered for each webinar at no extra charge.
- Can't make every webinar? No worries. Each webinar is recorded, and as a subscriber, you and your staff can access and watch the recorded version whenever it works for you.
- The cost for the webinar averages to about $20/month — no kidding! (It's a little more for those who are not CPRS members). At these prices, you can't afford NOT to sign up.
Here is the registration form. Click here to download the 2014 catalog of webinars.
CPRS Conference
Preregistration deadline is Jan. 31. Get your conference registration form in now. Register online here. Learn more about the conference here.
A combination of technologies optimizes pool water treatment
Athletic Business
Perfectly polished water contained in a public or commercial swimming pool can be wonderfully inviting. It's ultimately the reason pools and spas exist; humans feel good in clean water. Unfortunately, water that's left insufficiently treated can have the opposite effect. My many years as a swimming pool service/water chemistry professional has led me to firmly believe that water treatment in many aquatic facilities is not only badly antiquated, but far too often potentially harmful.
Playgrounds are designed to meet age appropriate challenges. Playground safety is paramount and ReadyPlay can be part of your safety program. Installation services available.
EPA not entirely confident playground turf is safe for children
The Huffington Post
The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly updated its website in response to a complaint that its public information on artificial turf made from old tires understated potential concerns about safety. The recycled tire parts, sometimes called "tire crumb," are used to make pliant surfaces for playgrounds, tracks and playing fields. There are concerns that the tires contain lead and other harmful chemicals, putting children who play on the turf at risk.
Merced City Council to consider park grant
Merced Sun-Star
The Merced City Council will consider applying for a grant to improve Stephen Leonard Park and a professional services agreement to design a new well. The city is eligible for a $719,467.50 Housing-Related Parks Program grant from the California Department of Housing and Community Development. The grant does not require any matching funds from the city.
Parks and Rec series offers help preparing for 'Zombie Apocalypse'
The Goochland Gazette
The public's undying interest in the undead is the inspiration behind Goochland Parks, Recreation and Facilities' upcoming series of "How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse and Other Natural Disasters" classes. The courses will teach local residents survival skills that they can use in a variety of life-threatening situations.
County Health Profiles
Get a quick snapshot of your county's or legislative district's health, including statistics on demographics (age and race), obesity, engagement in regular walking, food security and more, with the UCLA Center for Health Policy's new Health Profiles. These easy-to-read, one-page fact sheets feature statistics from the most recent California Health Interview Survey 2011-2012. This is valuable information for staff planning and policy reports.
Grant Funding Announcement
The Department of Housing and Community Development has announced the release of a Notice of Funding Availability for the 2013 funding round of the Housing-Related Parks Program. The HRP Program is a program designed to reward local governments that approve housing for lower-income households and are in compliance with State housing element law with grant funds to create or rehabilitate parks. A total of $25 million is available for the 2013 funding round. In addition to newly constructed units, the newest NOFA provides for expanded unit type activities including units preserved, substantially rehabilitated and converted from market rate to affordable. Program Guidelines, NOFA and the application are available on HCD's website.
Send any samples of how you or your agency is incorporating the brand promise and key messages in your programming — We want photos! Send to Jane H. Adams,
Missed last week's issue? See which articles your colleagues read most.
March 4-6, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam (Ontario), click here to register.
March 4-7, California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Park Training Conference, click here to register.
Northern California RT Section Members and Peers!
Join us for a CEU Workshop to train in the area of day to day needs for recreation therapists. This is happening in West Sacramento on Feb. 7 — registration is open now! Questions — just call the CPRS office at 916.665.2777. Click here for details.
7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063