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CPRS Job Highlight
The CPRS Job Center currently has over 40 job announcements; here is a current job announcement that may interest you.
Teen Services Director, Thousand Oaks, California — Click here for details.
Introducing the first of its kind - stainless steel kayak/surfboard/paddle board rack. Model 1010 SMSS, comes standard with a metered hose bib - perfect for rinsing before storing! MORE
Daily Democrat
What's in a name? Apparently too much for Woodland residents who have thus far been unable to come up with the name of a new park in the Spring Lake area. The city's Parks & Recreation Commission has extended the filing deadline for nominations for the naming of a new park in the Spring Lake neighborhood, after months of seeking — but failing to get — enough ideas.
Idaho Falls Post Register via Athletic Business
Who better to appeal to young people than other young people? Such was the thinking when Idaho Falls Department of Parks and Recreation personnel collaborated with Compass Academy students to create marketing campaigns for the department's programs and services. Students presented their work — some of which the city may actually use — to Parks and Recreation staff recently.
Fontana Herald News
Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren, Mayor Pro Tem Jesse Sandoval and Councilmember Jesse Armendarez will soon be receiving an award of excellence from the California Park and Recreation Society for Healthy Fontana's 2016 Let's Move on the Trail event. Let's Move on the Trail has being recognized by the CPRS for getting a Champion of the Community award, which honors individuals or organizations who have contributed significant effort to influence and improve the quality of their community through parks and recreation.
 7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063