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Athletic Facility and Park Design

Creating superior athletic facilities through an interactive workshop environment with agency staff and user groups



  • March 15, CPRS District 7 Annual Awards & Installation Banquet, click here for invitation
  • March 15, CPRS District 8 Get Wild! Awards & Installation, click here to enter an award
  • March 27, CPRS District 13 Annual Awards & Installation Banquet, click here for invitation
  • April 10, CPRS District 2 Day Camp Lunch & Learn, click here for details
  • April 18, CPRS District 10 Awards & Installation Banquet, click here for invitation
  • April 25, CPRS District 9 Awards and Installation
  • May 3, CPRS District 4 Golf Tournament, click here for flier
  • June 1, CPRS District 1 TOTAL Guard Management, click here for flier


    As teen center struggles to attract older children, fees are coming
    Contra Costa Times via San Jose Mercury News
    The free trial at Pleasant Hill teen center ends this summer, when the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park district will begin charging drop-ins $10 a day. In the fall, the fee will go down to $8 a day. But will kids show up? So far, the promise of foosball and video games hasn't been enough.
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    National parks pump big bucks into Silicon Valley economy
    Cupertino Patch
    They might contribute to weekend traffic gridlock, but National Park tourists in the San Francisco Bay Area spend millions of dollars annually and their visits create thousands of jobs, according to a report released recently by the National Park Service. Non-local National Park visitors in California spent nearly $1.2 billion in 2011, more than any other state or the District of Columbia.
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    Camera surveillance being considered for city parks
    The city of Woodinville, Wash., is considering using a federal grant to install an unknown number of surveillance cameras in the city's parks and on its streets to help investigate crimes, despite public outcry over a similar plan in Seattle.
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      Let us simplify your Recreation Insurance needs
    Liability – Accident – Vendor – Special Event – Contractor
    – Director & Officer - Tulip

    Contact us to customize an insurance package for your agency

    Ken Nichols 803-517-1686
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    Kentfield man tapped for state parks commission
    Marin Independent Journal
    Ernest Chung, 60, of Kentfield, has been appointed to the California State Park and Recreation Commission by Gov. Jerry Brown. The position requires Senate confirmation. Chung has led the effort to save China Camp and other state parks in Marin from closure. He serves as chairman of Friends of China Camp, and as a board member of the Marin State Parks Association.
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    Santa Monica Recreation and Parks Commission wins statewide award
    Santa Monica Mirror
    Santa Monica's Recreation and Parks Commission was honored for being an outstanding recreation and parks commission for 2012 in California. The California Association of Park and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members presented the award for Outstanding Commission at the CAPRCBM Annual Installation, Awards, and Scholarship Banquet in San Jose.
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    Anatomy of a new aquatic facility
    Parks & Recreation
    When examining the amenities prevalent in today's public aquatic facilities, it doesn't take long to figure out that water parks are influencing agency innovations. But as industry experts attest, it's not "becoming a water park" that is driving agencies. It's thinking like one.
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    It's all happening at the park
    Parks are literally common ground — a place where everyone can come and rub shoulders, interact, share an experience, get to know one another better. They are the foundation of community and democracy. Parks are also one of America's great gifts to the world.
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      California Land Management
    We have been providing a cost effective alternative method of providing security and maintenance services in city and county parks for over 30 years. Current and past clients include a wide variety of local, state and Federal agencies, private companies and non profit land trusts. For information call 6500-322-1181 or email MORE

    Recreation center fees to go half-price on red air days
    The Salt Lake County Council approved a measure that will cut daily admission fees to county recreation centers in half on red air days. The ordinance was proposed by council members Sam Granato and Jim Bradley, but Granato said the idea actually came from one of the county residents. "I got a letter from a constituent, saying we have these terrible days, we like to recreate, it's tough to go outside," Granato said.
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    Swimming pool lift maintenance
    Recreation Management
    More than 300,000 public swimming pools have been affected by the 2010 revision of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which now requires that all such pools be made accessible to everyone. This mandate set off a chain of events that has created both challenges and opportunities for every facet of the pool industry.
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    Creates unique outdoor environments for the future generation, assists public agencies with landscape architecture and park design
    Got Surfacing? Safe*Resilient* Accessible
    Playgrounds are designed to meet age appropriate challenges. Playground safety is paramount and ReadyPlay can be part of your safety program. Installation services available.

    Call for contributors
    In an effort to enhance the overall content of P&R Weekly, we'd like to include peer-written articles in future editions. As a member of CPRS, your knowledge of the industry lends itself to unprecedented expertise. And we're hoping you'll share this expertise with your peers through well-written commentary. Because of the digital format, there's no word or graphical limit. Our group of talented editors can help with final edits. If you're interested in participating, please contact Ronnie Richard to discuss logistics.
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      Simply The Best
    Antiwave Pool Products offers both competitive and recreational lane lines, with our Supertensioner included on each lane. Seventeen standard colors are available along with custom color capabilities and can build any length of lane. Also offer Storeels, Water Polo Goals and playing fields along with Starting Platforms. MORE

    Turf vandalism presents short- and long-term challenges
    Athletic Business
    Most turf vandalism involves two challenges: getting a field playable (if not presentable) for the next contest, which might be days away, and then restoring it to horticultural normalcy, a process that could take months, depending on the chosen mode of destruction.
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    Fighting disease, 1 germ at a time
    Recreation Management
    This year has seen one of the worst flu seasons in decades, and it's not over yet. But there are ways to protect your facility and your members from disease.
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    Designing spaces to enrich communities
    Providing landscape architecture and park design services to public agencies for over 20 years. MORE
    Soccer Camps & Seasonal Training Programs
    Are you looking for a quality week long soccer camp during spring or summer vacation, and/or an ongoing soccer training program during your spring or fall season? MORE

    The CPRS Forums are the place for members to exchange ideas and to ask questions. The forums area currently has 200-plus threads. The value of forums increases when you share your knowledge and resources. Increase the value of your membership by answering or posting a question in the forums. Visit CPRS Forums. You can also pose your own question.

    Employee benefits/privileges
    Hal Paris, Incline Village General Improvement District, asks, "IRS Publication 15b Employee Fringe Benefits establishes a number of guidelines and restrictions. How do you apply the following to your operation?
    1. Employee discounts on goods and services not to exceed 20 percent — do you offer this benefit and if so on what types of goods and services? (Examples: Pro shop/snack bar/food operations? Programs or facility use fees? Greens fees? Gym or pool memberships?)
    2. Meals on your premises/short meal period — do you incur these circumstances, and if so do you offer meals at a reduced rate to provide relief to employees with less than 45-minute breaks? How much of a reduction?
    3. No added cost benefits — do you allow employees to utilize facilities when they are off duty if it can be provided at no additional cost?"
    Please post your answer here.

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    RFP for parks and recreation master plans
    Timothy Barry, Livermore Area Recreation & Park District, asks, "We are looking to do an update of our parks and recreation master plan for the district. Can you please send me an RFP in Word from any parks and recreation master plan you've done recently?" Please add your samples to the CPRS Networking Library.
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    Communication during special events
    Jennifer Herb, City of Santa Clara, asks, "The City of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Department is reviewing our past practice of renting portable radios to communicate among and between staff, commissioners and volunteers at our large-scale special events. I wonder if there is insight regarding how other parks and recreation departments successfully communicate with one another at special events?" Please post your answer here.
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  • Continuing through 2013, DEPR – CPRS Webinar Series, click here for more information
  • April 16-18, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam (Riverside), click here to register
  • May 17, Park Planning & Development Institute
  • Aug. 5-7, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam (Elk Grove), click here to register
  • Sept. 9-11, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam (Elk Grove), click here to register
  • Dec. 10-12, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam (San Clemente), click here to register

    P&R Weekly
    Colby Horton, Vice President of Publishing, 469.420.2601
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    Patrick McCoy, Senior Content Editor, 469.420.2603   
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