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CPRS is proud to be supporting Yes on 68
Proposition 68 is our chance to stand up for California — because we owe it to the next generation to protect our state's natural resources and open spaces. #YesOn68
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CPRS Job Highlight
The CPRS Job Center currently has over 40 job announcements; here is a current job announcement that may interest you.
Recreation Supervisor, Rancho Cordova, California — Click here for details.
CivicRec is an all-in-one parks and recreation management software built specifically for local governments. With a simple interface for both staff and citizens, you can manage activities, facilities, memberships and sports leagues. CivicRec also offers a point-of-sale system and a ticketing feature built right in. CivicRec is the easiest and most complete solution for your Parks and Recreation Department.
City Metric
We've written about what we call the "parks, cafes and a riverwalk" model of sustainability, which focuses on providing new green spaces, mainly for high-income people. This vision of shiny residential towers and waterfront parks has become a widely shared conception of what green cities should look like. But it can drive up real estate prices and displace low- and middle-income residents.
Village Life
Feast for the Eyes at the Gallery at 48 Natoma, continuing through June 28, highlights incredible scratchboard paintings by Linda Heath Clark and lovely oil paintings by Craig Stephens. A selection of vintage fruit crate label original lithographs from the collection of Thomas Pat Jacobsen are also on display.
We are now introducing a new Pet Waste Station with optional HAND SANITZER! Model 395 SM comes with stainless steel bag canisters, holding a total of 1,200 bags, and the station is available in 16 powder coated colors. This is ideal for pet parks, green ways, home owners associations, & apartment complexes. MORE
Harvard Medical School
There are many ways in which this generation's childhood is different from that of the last generation, but one of the most abrupt contrasts is the degree to which it is being spent indoors. There are lots of reasons, including the marked increase in time spent interacting with electronic devices, the emphasis on scheduled activities and achievements, concerns about sun exposure — and, for many families, the lack of safe outdoor places to play. It's not just children; adults are spending less time outdoors as well. Here are six crucial ways playing outside helps children.
Playground Professionals
Free play is the children's time to decide the rules and create the play schemes. And every time is different. Some weeks the children playhouse, using the woods as their inspiration. Other weeks, children create stores. Superheroes often come alive.
Pleasanton Weekly
The San Ramon Art and Wind Festival returns this Memorial Day weekend, with a plethora of family-friendly events celebrating a diverse group of artists from around the Bay Area. Last summer's festival reportedly saw more than 10,000 attendees at the two-day event. This year, organizers expect that number to be closer to 20,000.
The man who was the target of a 911 call for barbecuing with his family in an East Bay Park is now being recommended to serve on that city's parks and recreation advisory committee. "I have submitted a recommendation of Mr. Kenzie Smith to serve on the Oakland Park and Recreation Advisory Commission to help make the rules that governs how our parks are used and make sure that they are fair and clear," Oakland City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan said.
Athletic Business
With the 10-year anniversary of the Virginia Graeme Baker Act approaching in 2018 — and coinciding nicely with the average expiration date of many specialized products designed to meet the requirements laid out in the legislation — the industry looks back over a decade of compliance at the evolution of VGB attitudes and design. In December 2008, the federal government set a new standard for pool and spa design to address the risk of entrapment posed by a strong main drain and other potential hazards.
ParkServe database and interactive mapping website unveiled by The Trust for Public Land
The Trust for Public Land launched, providing free, easy-to-navigate access to the most comprehensive database on parks ever assembled. The site includes information for 14,000 cities with a combined population of more than 260 million.
Click here for the full article.
Call for Sessions Now Open for the Sacramento 2019 Conference
Round 1 deadline is due July 1, 2018
We want experts in our field; we also want successful people outside the Parks and Recreation industry, with diverse perspectives that will help us become even more successful. Please share this email with anyone who comes to mind or send us their contact information. Click here to submit.
'Creating a Culture for Cultivating Talent & Results' — ICMA Coaching Program complimentary webinar
10-11:30 a.m. June 20 (rescheduled from May 10)
Note: All registrants for the May 10 webinar have been automatically registered for the June 20 session.
New registrants: click on this link to register now for this no-charge webinar.
1. How can you retool your organizational culture and design your workplace for better results?
2. What are practical steps to make your agency better able to attract, grow, and retain talent?
3. What resources are available to support your efforts?
Playing Field Maintenance Academy — NEW for CPRS! Coming June 6 to Sacramento County!
Half-day training for field maintenance providers that includes a guidebook; topics areas include playing field turf, soccer goal, fencing, dugout care, durability of materials, public and emergency vehicle access, standard of care and lawsuits. Register Online!.
Maintenance Management School Registration is Open!
Spend Your Year-End Money — The CPRS Maintenance Management School Early Bird Form is available — check out the price!
 7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063