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Creating superior athletic facilities through an interactive workshop environment with agency staff and user groups
I invite you to submit to the CPRS Conference call for sessions
"The Education Program Committee invites industry 'experts' to impart their wisdom to public government employees and affiliates at the 2014 CPRS Conference in Ontario, Canada. If you are able to provide engaging education on proven strategies, valuable skill sets, or unique ideas, please click here for more information on the submission process. The deadline to submit is July 1."
Chad Clanton, Program Chair, City of Tustin
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CPRS Conference & Expo early bird registration
The CPRS Conference & Expo will be March 4-7, 2014 in Ontario, Calif. Now is your chance to register at the lowest rate available: $379!
Get empowered at the 100+ top-notch education sessions, engage with park and recreation professionals from California and other west coast states, and explore the largest west coast Expo Show. This lowest price is only good through October 31, 2013, so don't wait to register.
Click here to download the early bird registration form.
California launches new program to revamp parks
McClatchy News via
California officials launched a new program to analyze and overhaul the state parks system, to be led by a volunteer commission. Called Parks Forward, the effort is required by the California State Parks Stewardship Act, passed last year in the wake of a financial scandal that upended the leadership ranks at state parks headquarters.
Beyond its core, city may need more parks
The Columbus Dispatch
The city of Columbus is embarking on a study of its park system that could lead to more parks within walking distance of more residents — a need pointed out in a report on parkland in the nation's 50 largest cities. The Recreation and Parks Department will come up with a master plan for the next 10 years after determining the strengths and weaknesses of its current operations and properties, Director Alan D. McKnight said.
Santa Rosa hires new parks and recreation director
The Press Democrat
Santa Rosa has hired a new parks and recreation director from El Paso, Texas, to replace Marc Richardson, who resigned in December. Nanette Smejkal was selected following a nationwide search because of the experience she gained over a 25-year career managing parks and recreations departments with a diverse array of programs and facilities, City Manager Kathy Millison said.
Creates unique outdoor environments for the future generation, assists public agencies with landscape architecture and park design MORE
Providing landscape architecture and park design services to public agencies for over 20 years. MORE
City budget's balance must be carefully tended
Merced Sun-Star
For the fiscal year 2013-2014 budget, which begins July 1, the Merced City Council has been requested to allocate a baseline of 3 percent of the general fund to the Parks and Community Services Department. The emphasis, of course, is on additional youth services — all youth. There is no lack of agreement on the City Council regarding the importance of such services.
New funding model needed for urban parks
Irvine doesn't quite rank as one of America's leading cities, but with a population over 200,000, it's no lightweight. When the U.S. Marine Corps closed its 1,347 acre base in Irvine in 1994, public officials saw an opportunity to create the next great urban park, one that would rival San Francisco's Griffith Park, San Diego's Balboa Park or even New York's Central Park.
We have been providing a cost effective alternative method of providing security and maintenance services in city and county parks for over 30 years. Current and past clients include a wide variety of local, state and Federal agencies, private companies and non profit land trusts. For information call 6500-322-1181 or email MORE
What makes for a great play structure?
Perhaps you haven't noticed, but playgrounds are losing their customers. Over the past couple of decades the playground business has been transformed into the playground "industry" replete with ASTM Standards and design practices ruled more by convention than invention. While the playground industry has been busy codifying their business, their customers, the kids, have been evolving in a different direction.
Doctors: Exercise caution when introducing CrossFit
Athletic Business
Despite CrossFit's growing popularity among military fitness facilities, it has its fair share of opponents.
Before launching your CrossFit program, consider both sides of the debate. For many facility operators, it's a matter of gauging injury frequency (which many say is elevated with CrossFit), against its physical fitness benefits. Regardless of what side of the argument you fall, this much is certain: More data is needed.
Playgrounds are designed to meet age appropriate challenges. Playground safety is paramount and ReadyPlay can be part of your safety program. Installation services available.
Golf courses score birdies with habitat improvements
The Columbus Dispatch
Three bird boxes flank an overgrown area near the first tee of the north course at New Albany Country Club. The high grasses indicate not a missed spring cleaning but a conscious effort by the club — which, like several other Columbus-area golf courses, has committed to making itself more environmentally friendly.
Head of parks district earns national certification
Livermore Patch
Livermore Area Recreation and Park District General Manager Tim Barry is now a Certified Park and Recreation Professional. The certification was issued by the National Certification Board and National Recreation and Park Association. To receive the certification Barry had to meet eligibility requirements including higher education and/or work experience, and the completion of a national exam. The exam covers general administration, programming and operations management.
Send any samples of how you or your agency is incorporating the brand promise and key messages in your summer programming — We want photos! Send to Jane H. Adams,
July is Parks Make Life Better!® month
The California state legislature is set to approve Assembly Concurrent Resolution, declaring July is Parks Make Life Better!® Month. This measure declares the Legislature's recognition of the importance of access to local parks, trails, open space, and facilities for the health and development of all Californians. This measure declares July 2013 as Parks Make Life Better!® Month.
Click here to download a sample resolution. You may also go to the Parks Make Life Better!® page on the CPRS website to get ideas for your agency and see what others are doing!
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom is offering reduced tickets for July is Parks Make Life Better!® month. For discount coupons, click here.
California's Great America For discount coupons, click here. To download instructions on how to order your tickets online, click here.
Are you looking for a quality week long soccer camp during spring or summer vacation, and/or an ongoing soccer training program during your spring or fall season? MORE
To find out how to feature your company in the CPRS P&R Weekly and other advertising opportunities, Contact James DeBois at 469-420-2618.
Missed last week's issue? See which articles your colleagues read most.
The CPRS Forums are the place for members to exchange ideas and to ask questions. The forums area currently has 200-plus threads. The value of forums increases when you share your knowledge and resources. Increase the value of your membership by answering or posting a question in the forums. Visit CPRS Forums. You can also pose your own question.
Delineation for median island maintenance?
Darin Budak, City of Bakersfield, asks "I am getting pushed by our Risk Manager to provide delineation every time staff does maintenance on a street island. What are other cities doing? If you have any plans or direction please send them to me here. Thanks." You can also post your answers here.
Affordable Care Act
Keri Smith, City of Palmdale, asks, "Is your agency reducing work hours for part-time employees this summer in anticipation to the Affordable Care Act? Is your agency holding part time un-benefited employees to a firm 29 hours or less per week? Is your agency considering a 12-month measurement period to determine their weekly average (for example, some weeks an employee would work more than 29 hours, some weeks less)? Is your agency working with an advisor or consultant regarding the Affordable Care Act?"
Please answer her question here.
Adult day care use of community center
Alison Martinez, City of Claremont, asks, "Our community center is used primarily for meetings and contract classes. We often have Adult Day Care groups use our community space to play games, watch television, and use the computer lab. Recently the numbers of individuals and groups has grown significantly and we find large groups (10-20) hanging out in the hallways talking, sleeping or playing games. We want to be inclusive but find we are limited in space to accommodate the growing number of groups and individuals. Have other centers experienced this? How have you managed? Do you have policies or guidelines? Do you have activities or programs specifically designed for groups with special needs, on a drop in basis?"
Please answer her question here.
Field use policy and fees for club sports, traveling teams
Randy Davis, City of Dixon, asks, "Many cities and districts reduce or eliminate field use fees for sports organizations that are open to all children in the community. However, I would like to know how your city or district deals with club sports organizations or traveling teams that limit participation to only the very skilled athletes. Do these types of organizations or teams pay reduced fees to use fields or do they pay the regular rate?"
Please answer his question here.
4th Safe Routes to School National Conference — Take advantage of early-bird rates
Early-bird registration rates are available for the 4th Safe Routes to School National Conference, but only until June 28. To register, visit the conference website here. Don't miss out on participating in over 60 sessions, seven tours of model projects and programs, networking opportunities, and some exciting interactive features including an on-site Charitable Bike Build.
7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063