Published each Monday, P&R Weekly is an opportunity to share job changes, retirements, agency awards, etc. Send your good news to john@cprs.org.
The CPRS State Board of Directors is seeking nominations for the 2013-2015 Board. Members who internalize the mission, values, and promise of the profession and who have demonstrated a commitment of the profession of parks and recreation are encouraged to consider becoming part of the team that leads your "member" organization. Click here to read the complete job description of the board positions, the "Invitation to Join the Board of Directors Sheet" that gives some information/requirements and to access the 2013 Board Interest Form. Also, please feel free to contact Mark Mariscal, CPRS Vice-President, regarding any interest you or another potential candidate may have at 310-548-7643.
Aug. 5, Inaugural CPRS District 11 Lifeguard Relays, click here for flier
Aug. 7, CPRS District 3 Professional Development Symposium on Inclusive Play, click here for flier
Aug. 9, CPRS District 7 General Board Meeting, click here for flier
Aug. 14, CPRS Development & Operations Section Sacramento Area Educational Forum, click here for flier
Aug. 23, CPRS District 13 Meet & Greet
Sept. 14, CPRS District 1 Annual Golf Tournament
Sept. 24-26, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam, click here for registration form
Oct. 14-16, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam, click here for registration form
Oct. 24-26, CPRS Aquatics Section California Aquatic Management School, click here for brochure
Nov. 2, CPRS District 4 2012 Bay Area Institute
Nov. 5-9, CPRS Save the Date! Administrators Section Financial Sustainability Workshops
Nov. 12-16, CPRS Maintenance Management School, click here to register
March 4-6, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course & Exam, click here to register
March 5-8, California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Park Training Conference, early-bird registration now open
California parks director resigns amid scandal
The Sacramento Bee Share    
State Parks Director Ruth Coleman resigned Friday and her second in command has been fired after officials learned the department has been sitting on nearly $54 million in surplus money for as long as 12 years. The moves come in the wake of a scandal, revealed by The Sacramento Bee, in which a deputy director at State Parks carried out a secret vacation buyout program for employees at department headquarters last year. That buyout cost the state more than $271,000. More
Related articles:
Court documents, audit reveal unauthorized vacation buyouts at California Parks Department (The Associated Press via The Republic)
Assemblywoman Gaines calls for fiscal probe of California parks agency (The Sacramento Bee)
Jon Ortiz: Parks department revelations could bring changes (The Sacramento Bee)
Little Tikes Commercial NU•edge is an exciting new approach to playgrounds where nature fuses with the urban play environment. Outdoor and urban features are fused together to create playgrounds that give you the perfect balance of nature theme and urban styling. Contact your local representative to find out more about NU•edge.
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Tourism Cares volunteers to target historic Sacramento
Tourism Cares
Scheduled to celebrate World Tourism Day, Tourism Cares for Historic Sacramento invites you to join others from across the country and around the world to give back to historic sites in need of care and rejuvenation. Travel industry volunteers will paint, landscape and rebuild areas in Old Sacramento, a National Historic Landmark District and State Historic Park located along the Sacramento River.
Friends of Chula Vista Parks and Recreation back Buck Martin
San Diego Reader
At the June 28 Chula Vista City Council meeting, the council reviewed a plan to consolidate the library and the parks and recreation department — the decision to do so was made last week. The decision ultimately entailed the firing of Buck Martin, the Director of Parks and Recreation. A city document from 2011 reads, "The positive impact of a merger of the two departments could be the savings of a Director position (approximately $158,000 in the second year, after severance was paid, if no other management support was provided)."
A plea for public lands
The New York Times
Theodore Roosevelt once said of the Grand Canyon: "Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it." Addressing an audience at a conservation event in July in Washington, D.C., John Podesta, chairman of the Center for American Progress, had an addendum: "But we can sure mess it up." He spoke after the premiere of the mini-documentary series "Public Lands, Private Profits" — a collaboration between the Center for American Progress and the Sierra Club.
We have been providing a cost effective alternative method of providing security and maintenance services in city and county parks for over 30 years. Current and past clients include a wide variety of local, state and Federal agencies, private companies and non profit land trusts. For information call 6500-322-1181 or email clm@clm-services.com.
We offer “COMPLETE” inspection tool kits to do the job right!; Warning & Information LABELS to comply with ASTM, CPSC, and ANSI laws; 3rd party safety audits w/advice on inexpensive modifications to comply with ASTM and CPSC laws; Expert Witness services for litigations; Design/Planning services; Safety Manuals; Safety Courses.
RecTrac is a fully integrated management software that provides efficiency and productivity to your recreation department. From this software you can access central customer database by name, telephone number, account number, ID card, address, email address, and organization.
Fat of the land: How urban design can help curb obesity
Liveable Cities Blog
Billie Giles-Corti and Carolyn Whitzman discuss ways to change our obesogenic environment through urban design while Jo Salmon looks at the role physical activity and exercise play in healthy lifestyles.
Parks are Santa Maria's backyard
Santa Maria Times
33,370; 1,778; more than 200; and 2. What do these numbers have in common? These are the amount of trees, acres of Los Flores Ranch Park, acres of City Parks, and burros that the staff of the City of Santa Maria Recreation and Parks Department handles every day. The City of Santa Maria Parks Department plays a vital role in conserving the land and resources in Santa Maria.
In today’s world, Richard Fisher Associates believes it’s vital for Municipalities to hire Landscape Architectural firms that create complete and accurate Park Design Construction Documents.
Playgrounds are designed to meet age appropriate challenges. Playground safety is paramount and ReadyPlay can be part of your safety program. Installation services available. MORE
Florida church wins 'Let's Move!' video contest
The White House
First lady Michelle Obama has announced the winners of the "Let's Move! Communities on the Move" video challenge, which invited faith and community leaders to share their stories about their efforts to promote wellness and solve the problem of childhood obesity in their communities. The video from Macedonia Baptist Church of Eatonville, Fla., took top honors, while community councils and coalitions from around the country earned honorable mentions from the panel of judges.
Summer Nights Lights: Fun in the park after dark
The Summer Night Lights program, an initiative aimed at reducing the number of violent incidents at Long Beach parks during the summer, kicked off recently. Long Beach nonprofit Centro CHA (Community Hispanic Association) held a press conference at Martin Luther King Park on July 9 to mark the beginning of the program’s third consecutive year. SNL provides cultural enrichment and a safe haven for constructive family fun to the communities surrounding Admiral Kidd, Martin Luther King, and Drake parks.
Riverside: Changes would loosen special event rules
The Press-Enterprise
Proposed new rules for holding special events in Riverside would streamline the application process and eliminate certain insurance requirements some event organizers found difficult to meet. The changes follow a June 19 City Council meeting, where a handful of people said the current policy is unworkable and has nearly put an end to some events.
Congratulations to all the Proposition 84 Grant recipients! Take a look at our projects of distinction! Let us help you create your communities dream playground. MORE
Trueline now does complete renovations and building of courts. See our splashpad surfaces! We continue to offer tennis court, basketball and other game court surfacing. MORE
Olmsted-planned park in inland California lives on
On hot summer days, they gather at the edges of Lake Evans: fishermen, serious and casual, in their folding chairs, with their lines slanted into the water at their feet, waiting for carp or catfish; lovers holding hands on a bench, and a long-married couple sipping on iced coffees; a young couple having that early conversation that might lead to love; platoons of children on bikes circling around the road under the ancient cypress trees that were chosen by the famous Olmsteds, New Yorkers who designed the park in 1911.
Los Angeles River Greenway declared National Recreation Trail
The 7-mile trail from the north side of Griffith Park at Riverside Drive along the Los Angeles River to Barclay Street in Elysian Valley is now officially a National Recreational Trail, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Director of the National Park Service Jonathan B. Jarvis announced. The Los Angeles River Greenway/Bike Path shares the honor with 54 other trails this year, adding almost 1,400 miles to the National Trails System. What does it all mean?
On adventure playgrounds and multi-use destinations
Project for Public Spaces
Brendan Crain writes, "I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, I don't think I ever once used a 'play structure.' I can still vividly remember the playground at my elementary school, with its castles, pirate ships, Amazonian tree house cities, secret lairs, and rivers of lava. My friends and I never thought of the wooden pavilion, the monkey bars, or the giant tire off in the corner of the lot as what they actually were. The term 'play structure' did not apply — there was nothing structural about the way that we used that place."
Each week CPRS will be sharing a new idea of an easy way to implement the branding campaign in your agency. Here is a very easy one to do: Add the Parks Make Life Better!® along with all your sponsor's logos on all event materials.
Jurupa Community Services District held a 3-day Picnic in the Park event that included a carnival, children's games, entertainment, food and craft vendors, multiple water inflatable attractions, and a huge firework show that brought in more than 10,000 people. As the children's games wound down and before the entertainment started, a group of recreation staff and community members performed a flash mob wearing Parks Make Life Better!® shirts.
Send any samples of how you or your agency is incorporating the brand promise and key messages to Jane H. Adams, jane@cprs.org.
The CPRS Forums are the place for members to exchange ideas and to ask questions. The forums area currently has 200-plus threads. The value of forums increases when you share your knowledge and resources. Increase the value of your membership by answering or posting a question in the forums. Visit CPRS Forums. You can also pose your own question.
GPS monitoring of department vehicles
Tracey Lynn Lowry, El Dorado Hills Community Services District, asks, "The El Dorado Hills Community Services District is seeking a sample RFP and Policy surrounding GPS Monitoring of District vehicles. Your assistance and shared knowledge would be greatly appreciated."
Taking 'senior' out of your center
Lydie Gutfeld, City of Irvine, asks, "City of Irvine is seriously considering renaming both senior centers and removing the 'senior' out of the location title. I have been tasked with the job of finding a 'best practices' model. Have any of your organizations attempted to do this with remodels or with new buildings? What was the process? Was there major outcry from senior community? Was there support? Did you survey? Please help me find the best practice solution to this problem!"
340 agencies, companies and colleges/universities signed on
Welcome San Joaquin County Parks to the Parks Make Life Better!® branding campaign. To date there are 306 local park and recreation agencies, 30 companies and four colleges/universities using the logo, key messages and brand promise. If you would like to join the group, click here.