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Register now at the lowest available rate. The Early Bird rate is $440. Early Bird prices will end on Oct. 17, 2018.
Oct. 2, 2018 started a 30-day public review period of the "Draft Application Guide" for the Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program. This competitive program will create new parks and new recreation opportunities in underserved communities across California. Currently $254,942,000 is available. The Draft Application Guide, and Next Steps are available at
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It's time to take a moment and recognize the excellence around you... that rising professional you have been mentoring, the new program you just developed or perhaps that newly rehabilitated park your team just completed. It's now time to celebrate that excellence by nominating the people, places, spaces and programs around you for a CPRS Award! Submit your nominations now!
CPRS Job Highlight
The CPRS Job Center currently has over 40 job announcements; here is a current job announcement that may interest you.
Recreation Superintendent I/II, Fremont, California Click here for details.
CPRS Member Highlight
Congratulations County of Los Angeles: Winner of NRPA Innovation in Health Award
Watch this video about LA County's Parks After Dark program.
GameTime opens national demonstration site playground for youth fitness in Turlock, California
GameTime recently completed a new playground focused on youth physical activity at Summerfaire Park in Turlock, California. The project was the result of the California Park and Recreation Society (CPRS) Healthy Play Statewide Initiative in partnership with PlayCore.
Click here for the full article.
We are now introducing a new Pet Waste Station with optional HAND SANITZER! Model 395 SM comes with stainless steel bag canisters, holding a total of 1,200 bags, and the station is available in 16 powder coated colors. This is ideal for pet parks, green ways, home owners associations, & apartment complexes. MORE
The Trust for Public Land
Join Trust for Public Lands for a day of celebrating the parks we have—and advocating for the parks we need. Parks are crucial for healthy, livable communities. But today, 1 in 3 Americans don't have a park within a 10-minute walk of home. Pledge to walk on Oct. 10 and be entered to win.
That's why we're launching the first annual National Walk to a Park Day on Oct. 10 — and you're invited!
People know the Statue of Liberty for her towering stature. They know her for the torch she bears and for the spiked crown atop her head. But have you seen her right foot? That's the question author Dave Eggers poses in his recent book "Her Right Foot." To find out, San Francisco wants you to take a stroll along the Crissy Field promenade near the Golden Gate Bridge. There, pages of Egger's book have been printed on wooden stakes and planted along a half-mile trail as part of a project called StoryWalk.
Not that long ago, the issue of "bathroom bills" that sought to define who is allowed to use male or female restrooms and locker rooms was hotly debated nationwide. As variances on the gender spectrum are becoming more visible in our communities and as society becomes more aware and accepting, this is an issue that park and recreation professionals are having to face. As recreation professionals, we are always looking for ways to make our parks and programs accessible and welcoming to all members of our diverse communities. So, how can we promote inclusion for participants on the gender spectrum?
State Parks Grants and Partnerships
California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) has opened its Fall 2018 Youth Access Grant Round, which is part of the Our Parks, Our Future initiative. CSPF is committed to increasing youth access and exposure to state parks so that every Californian has opportunities to experience nature and its benefits. That is why we are currently focusing our grantmaking strategy on increasing youth access to state parks.
Click here for details.
Cultural, Community and Natural Resources grant program
The California Natural Resources Agency has released for public comment its draft guidelines for the Cultural, Community and Natural Resources ("CCNR") grant program. The CCNR grant program, funded by Proposition 68, will fund projects that protect, restore, and enhance California's cultural, community and natural resources. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. This program emphasizes and gives priority to projects that serve the state's severely disadvantaged communities. Draft guidelines can be downloaded at Public comments and final recommendations will be considered for adoption by the Secretary for Natural Resources.
Advancing Parks and Recreation — Just what is the California Action Plan
Working together, professionals from across the State of California have envisioned the future of parks and recreation. Along with our partners from MIG, we've created a plan to proactively address the trends and challenges we foresee. These directions are summarized here in the California Action Plan: Guiding the Park& Recreation Profession (CAP) video.
Click here to view.
'Taking Smart Risks and Rebounding from Setbacks' — ICMA Coaching Program webinar
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Thursday, October 25, 2018
Advance registration required for this webinar:
Webinar Topics:
1. What's critical to take risks successfully in both your work and your career?
2. What can you do when things don't work out the way you hoped?
3. How can you develop your risk taking and resiliency skills?
2018 California Land Recycling Conference
October 24-25, 2018
Carson, California
Presented by: Center for Creative Land Recycling, California Department of Toxic Substances Control, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9. Join CCLR, DTSC and U.S. EPA for an intensive two-day redevelopment workshop. The workshop is geared toward the unique characteristics of redevelopment in California.
Click here for details.
CPRS Maintenance Management School
Maintenance Management School will be held November 12-16, 2018. Registration fees include classroom instruction, course materials, meals and shared lodging for the week (usually sharing a 2-bed/2-bath rustic condolet.
Register for Maintenance Management School here.
Commissioners Workshop
The Parks and Recreation Administrators of San Mateo County will be hosting a Parks and Recreation Commissioners Workshop on Saturday Oct. 20. Any Parks and Recreation Commissioner within District 4 is invited to attend. Please see the attachments for additional information. To RSVP, email Parks and Recreation Director Margaret Glomstad at
 7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063