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Creating superior athletic facilities through an interactive workshop environment with agency staff and user groups
As 2013 comes to a close, CPRS would like to wish its members, partners and other industry professionals a safe and happy holiday season. As we reflect on the past year for the industry, we would like to provide the readers of the CPRS P&R Weekly a look at the most accessed articles from the year. Our regular publication will resume January 6.
3 city departments reorganizing
The Press Enterprise
From July 29: The city of Corona is in the midst of eliminating its Parks and Community Services Department. When the reorganization is completed early next month, the recreation portion of the department will be overseen by Library Director Julie Fredericksen. The landscape and maintenance responsibilities will become part of the Public Works Department, whose director is Kip Field. The new department will be called the Library and Recreation Services Department.
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Best cities for recreational activities
Nerd Wallet
From August 26: Which cities are best for recreation and living an active lifestyle? If you value exercise and personal health, then finding a city that can offer you a variety of recreational activities should be high on your list of priorities when it comes to choosing a place to live. Cities with lots of parkland, playgrounds and recreation centers can provide you with plenty of options to maintain your particular level of physical activity.
25 happiest, healthiest cities in America
From September 3: People who live on the Greek island of Ikaria are three times more likely to reach age 90 than the rest of us — they work hard, eat well, nap, have plenty of sex, and "just forget to die," as one resident told a researcher. They're living proof that where you call home can predict how healthy and happy you'll be. There are pockets of good health and contentment on our shores, too.
Woman finds rescuer 49 years after nearly drowning
From April 22: The voice mail, left a few weeks ago, was from a woman named Edie Rothstein. Dr. Larry Brickman didn't recognize the name. "Are you the pre-med student who worked at the beach club in Lido Beach, Long Island, back in 1964?" she asked. "I wonder if you're the same man who saved my life?" Then, he knew. Blue eyes, yellow bathing suit: Almost half a century ago, she nearly drowned before he pushed air back into her lungs.
ADA lawsuits feared as deadline passes
Pool & Spa News
From February 25: As public pool owners and operators sit at the threshold of the ADA compliance deadline, some anticipate the immediate filing of lawsuits against companies that haven't retrofitted their facilities.
TrueLine now does complete renovations and building of courts. See our splashpad surfaces! We continue to offer tennis court, basketball and other game court surfacing. MORE
To find out how to feature your company in the CPRS P&R Weekly and other advertising opportunities, Contact James DeBois at 469-420-2618.
Camera surveillance being considered for city parks
From March 11: The city of Woodinville, Wash., is considering using a federal grant to install an unknown number of surveillance cameras in the city's parks and on its streets to help investigate crimes, despite public outcry over a similar plan in Seattle.
Price jump for new Roseland park alarms Santa Rosa City Council
The Press Democrat
From November 25: Cost overruns at a planned park in Santa Rosa's Roseland neighborhood are the latest in a steady stream of problems facing the city's Parks and Recreation Department. The consulting firm hired to design Bayer Neighborhood Park and Garden on West Avenue says it needs an additional $320,000 and two more years to complete work on the long-delayed project.
CPRS Executive Director Jane H. Adams to retire
From June 3: Please join us in thanking Executive Director Jane Adams for 25 years of dedicated service to our organization. Jane has given notice to the Board of Directors that she will retire upon completion of her current contract which runs through April 30, 2014. Jane has decided that it is the right time to "ride into the sunset" and we are grateful for the time to thoughtfully prepare for this transition.
Jane started her CPRS career Jan. 3, 1988, when the office was located at 3031 F Street in midtown Sacramento. During her tenure CPRS developed several initiatives that have advanced the profession of parks and recreation nationwide. These initiatives include the VIP Action Plan, Creating Community through People, Parks, and Programs, the successful Parks Make Life Better! statewide branding campaign, numerous statewide park bonds, and educational programs.
Playgrounds are designed to meet age appropriate challenges. Playground safety is paramount and ReadyPlay can be part of your safety program. Installation services available.
How to 'Handel' loiterers? Give 'em a blast of the classics
The Columbus Dispatch
From April 1: On a recent Tuesday evening, two men were arguing on the sidewalk outside the Downtown YMCA. As the exchange grew more heated, Sue Darby turned up the volume on a set of speakers affixed to the building exterior. The defuser: Antonio Vivaldi. The delicate orchestral strains of the Four Seasons concertos prompted the opponents to walk away.
City needs new fiscal strategy for parks
Lompoc Record
From July 29: The operation of the Lompoc parks/recreation empire needs a new approach. No longer will the status quo work in a period when budgets are lean. According to a presentation by Brad Wilkie, the city's money man, during budget hearings, the Parks Department needs about $1.2 million for salaries and another $1.98 million for supplies and services for the two-year budget cycle. That's about $1.6 million a year to operate the system, exclusive of any improvements. About $550,000 of this is from the General Fund, or about $275,000 per year.
Missed last week's issue? See which articles your colleagues read most.
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