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Home    Industry Honors    Membership    Education    Resources    Foundation Nov. 17, 2011
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Independent festivals contribute £222 million to economy
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Independent festivals like Bestival, Womad and End of the Road Festival generated £222 million for the U.K. economy this year according to a report by the Association of Independent Festivals. The association surveyed more than 2,400 festival goers across its 31 member events, which attracted a combined total of around 480,000 people this summer. Each person was found to have spent an average of £461 on travel, accommodation, food, drink and entertainment – a £22.76 increase per person on last year's figures. More

Live, at a field near you: Why the music industry is singing a happy tune
Time Magazine    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Paying $175 for the right to cram into Florida's Citrus Bowl Park with 50,000 other people for two days straight might not sound that appealing to some. But throw in nonstop live music on a slew of open-air stages and people will turn up in droves, even in a state with one of the highest jobless rates in the country. That's the thinking behind Los Angeles-based entertainment giant Live Nation's latest endeavor in the music-festival business. More

Festivals told to switch to greener energy
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U.K. festivals are being encouraged to switch to biodiesel and other renewable energy forms, as a new report shows the energy consumed by the sector could power 10,000 homes. The research, to be released at the industry's annual conference, reveals U.K. festivals consume about 12 million liters of diesel per year, generating an estimated 48,000 megawatt hours of electricity and 31,600 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions – the equivalent of powering 10,000 homes for a year. While a committed few festivals, including Glastonbury Festival and Shambala Festival, are switching to greener forms of energy, the U.K. Festival Report, shows most are not. More

Special event security bulks up San Francisco police officers' pay
San Francisco Examiner    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Retail stores, developers, special community districts, film productions, road races and entertainment events hired more than $9 million worth of off-duty San Francisco police officers' time last fiscal year to provide security and traffic control. This practice is commonly referred to as 10B — a reference to the relevant city administrative code section — and event organizers are generally required as part of the permit to hire a specified number of officers determined by the police department. More

Games may save struggling Gold Coast, Australia
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Gold Coast business operators in Australia say the Commonwealth Games has come just in time to save many tourist operators on the verge of going broke. Queensland's Gold Coast recently beat the Sri Lankan city of Hambantota to win the hosting rights for the 2018 Games. There were scenes of jubilation on the streets after the tourist city secured the games, with revellers dancing and cheering throughout the night. More

US and UK working closely on Olympic security
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Former major event security specialists at the FBI have told Sky News Online of the "close working relationship" between the U.S. and the U.K. on Olympic security. However, they have expressed "real doubts" about reports the U.S. is preparing to send as many as 500 agents to the U.K. to ensure the safety of its athletes during London 2012. Raymond Mey was the FBI manager for counter terrorism planning and operations for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and has been involved in FBI deployments on every Olympic Games since 1996. More

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade route again in question
Crain's New York Business    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
As the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade fast approaches, the Times Square business community is ramping up its latest efforts to keep the parade route in Times Square next year. The parade is expected to move to Sixth Avenue in 2012, a change Macy's adamantly supports because the retailer says the avenue is wider and allows the parade to move in a straight line rather than turning to pass through Times Square. More

Event tourism firmly on government agenda
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Momentum continues to gather for this year's Britain for Events campaign. Following its launch last month, the U.K. events industry has already secured major wins from senior government representatives. Following official endorsement of the campaign from Prime Minister David Cameron, Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport, spoke at the opening of World Travel Market on next year's "World Tourism Summit coming together to discuss the power of events" and "new ways of looking at event tourism in the future." More

Marathon organizer: 'Sometimes, God wants his children'
San Antonio Express-News    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
Tracy Sundlun, senior vice president of the Competitor Group, missed the end of the Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio Marathon and 1/2 Marathon recently. Instead of crowning champions, he was comforting a grieving family. The executive, whose group staged the popular running event for the fourth straight year, was with the family and friends of half-marathon competitor Jorge Fernandez, who collapsed and died shortly after completing his run at mid-morning. More

Heineken's print ad for Dublin Music Festival rises to life
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Green Spheres Weekender, which includes Aloe Blacc, The Drums, Wild Beasts and SBTRKT is coming to Dublin from Dec. 1-3, and Heineken's ad campaign in Irish Metro Herald has some hidden previews for the tech-savvy reader. What looks like a regular print advertisement for a music festival actually has some cutting edge technology, giving advertising an entirely new interactive dimension. More
IFEA Event Insider
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