Save the Date for ITEEA's 2024 Conference
Take a moment to mark your calendar for ITEEA's 2024 Conference, scheduled for March 6-9 in Memphis, Tennessee. ITEEA is already making plans to build on the success of its recent 2023 Conference in order to make Memphis even bigger and better! Be on the lookout for the Application to Present at the 2024 Conference, coming soon! Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from and share with other STEM education professionals in a variety of formats.
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Grow Professionally through ITEEA's Spring ATI
May 19-21, 2023. ITEEA's Authorized Training Institute (ATI) develops T&E leaders to become certified Authorized Teacher Effectiveness Coaches (ATECs) in Engineering byDesign course(s). Those completing the training will receive 24 hours of professional development that can be used for certification and may be eligible to present on behalf of STEM CTL at the ITEEA Conference or at other future paid opportunities as well as obtain three graduate credits. Registration closes May 15, 2023.
ITEEA Announces Secondary STEM Council
The Secondary STEM Council promotes technology and engineering education in secondary schools by supporting teachers with instructional materials and in-service Professional Development (PD) workshops and technology and engineering activity curriculum packages. Learn more/join today!
Members: Join the Town Hall on Standards
Thursday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. ET. In the final session of the 2022-2023 school year on Goal 5: Standards, we invite your thoughts on how ITEEA can establish and support the use of educational standards among the T&E community. Our facilitators will share ideas around (1) creating resources to aid in standards' implementation, (2) monitoring the effectiveness of standards, and (3) understanding the barriers to standards' usage.
Coming Soon! ITEEA Updated Journal Submission Process
Beginning this month, ITEEA will be introducing a new journal submission process for its rebranded flagship journal Technology and Engineering Education: Bringing STEM to Life. ITEEA will be working with Scholastica, with its easy-to-integrate peer review management, which offers a smoother and more straightforward review process for authors and reviewers. Be on the lookout for more information.
New and Improved Database Coming this Summer
Over the summer ITEEA will be transitioning to a new database that will ensure a smoother experience for ITEEA members to renew their memberships, join councils, and manage their ITEEA information. When a member signs up online, Novi instantly goes to work. Coming soon!
Explore ITEEA's On-Demand Learning Library
ITEEA members can now receive exclusive free access to ITEEA's NEW On-Demand Learning Library, with over 150 hours of high-quality professional learning on a wide range of technology and engineering education topics that can be viewed anytime, at your convenience! The new resource is easy to access and navigate and is completely searchable.
ITEEA Member Leads Effort to Create Flotation Device for Second Grader
Students from Edgewood Middle School recently presented an Eisenhower Elementary second grader with a flotation device. ITEEA member Abbi Richcreek, teacher at Edgewood, said creating the device for Addy Hausmann was part of a project for her student project management team class, "which is our homeroom, but I've made it into more of an exploration class." This is the first time the homeroom class has done a project like this. The purpose of the flotation device is so Addy can go into a swimming pool like everyone else.
NYS STEM Education Collaborative Summer Institute: July 30-August 1
The New York State STEM Collaborative will be holding its annual Summer Institute at Alfred State–SUNY College of Technology from July 30 through August 1, 2023. The theme of the Conference is "STEM 360—Growing Opportunities in Changing Environments." Now accepting presenters and posters that address how to integrate two or more STEM disciplines, with an emphasis on elementary STEM this year.
ITEEA Past-President Advises Sea Air & Land Challenge Team
Twelve students at Forest Glen Middle School (VA) are participating in the Penn State Southeast Regional Sea, Air, and Land Challenge to be held on May 13 at Colonel Fred Cherry Middle School in Suffolk, Virginia. The students are working in three teams of four with each team taking on a different challenge. The students have submitted their Preliminary Design Reports and recently received feedback on their PDRs, made their revisions, placed the order for their equipment, and are ready to move on to complete their next steps. They are also reviewing and revising their designs to improve their plans. Their advisor, Debra E. Shapiro, DTE, is their technology and engineering teacher.
STEM Connections
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
1908 Association Drive, Suite C | Reston, VA 20191
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