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Cathy Hendricks, NCIDQ is honored with presidential citation
NCIDQ Examination

Cathy Hendricks, NCIDQ

The Council for Interior Design Qualification Proudly Recognizes

Cathy Hendricks, NCIDQ

For her dedication to advancing the mission and values of the Council by advocating for all qualified interior designers to become NCIDQ Certified by taking and passing the rigorous NCIDQ Examination. In her role as the Executive Director of the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, Cathy Hendricks worked tirelessly to passionately promote the tremendous value and evidence-based underpinnings of the profession at the state and national levels so that interior designers would be recognized as the esteemed professionals that they are and may rightfully practice in a variety of settings to protect and contribute to public health, safety and welfare through the application of high quality interior design services within the built environment. Cathy Hendricks serves as an outstanding model in promoting the professionalism and prestige of the NCIDQ Certification. The Council commends her dedication, exceptional service to the profession and bestows this Presidential Citation with deep appreciation and respect.

Cathy L. Hendricks served as Executive Director for the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners (TBAE) for 20 years, beginning in May 1994. This is her second time being presented with this honor from the Council of Interior Design Qualification.
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Claudia Shannon, ASID, NCIDQ presented with the ASID Chapter Medalist Award
NCIDQ Examination
Claudia Shannon, ASID, NCIDQ, Arkansas Registered Interior Designer #5260, and member of the CIDQ Board of Directors was honored on Sept. 20, with the Chapter Medalist Award by the South Central Chapter of ASID (Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi) in Shreveport, Louisiana. The Chapter Medalist Award “is the highest award bestowed by ASID on Society members at the chapter level in recognition of outstanding service and significant contributions to their chapter and to the body of knowledge that supports the profession of interior design.”

Shannon was nominated by Toni Wyre, past president of the Arkansas district. Wyre stated in an article in Arkansas Business magazine that Shannon was a role model to her and was “instrumental in advancing interior design registration in Arkansas.” For this influence, Shannon says “Knowing I may have helped young professionals is the greatest award that I could receive.”

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Cost-effective interiors for health care facilities
REMI Network
Even though interior design is often first to be cut from a health care facility’s budget, it is perhaps one of the most important investments its operators can make. When layouts are optimized for efficiency, quality of care improves. And an organization can lower operating costs when it makes smart updates to material, lighting and equipment.
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I want to be an interior designer. What will my salary be?
The Globe and Mail
Interior designers help their clients to create functional and attractive interior spaces that enhance the quality of life for the occupants, says Susan Wiggins, chief executive officer of Interior Designers of Canada, the professional association for interior designers in Canada. Designers are involved in planning a space from the start, including design analysis and working with building codes and materials.
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4 communication trends your business needs to know and use
By Emma Fitzpatrick
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The Boston Globe
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