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Gov. Chris Christie and the leaders of the legislature recently announced a plan to resurrect the Transportation Trust Fund. The plan includes a 23-cent raise in the gas tax and cuts in several other taxes. Bills are moving though both houses with voting expected to occur on Wednesday delayed to Friday as opposition has mounted.
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Tickets to attend the NJSME Annual Luncheon at the NJLOM Conference are now available for purchase. The event will take place Wednesday, Nov. 16, at the Atlantic City Convention Center.
Please click here for complete information.
Please click here to find out more information on how you can become a sponsor the 2016 New Jersey Society of Municipal Engineers Annual Luncheon.
The Annual Awards Luncheon, as part of the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference, is attended by over 200 municipal engineers and elected officials. What a great way to get your company name out there in front of such a great target audience!
The luncheon will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at the Atlantic City Convention Center.
Save the date! The NJSME Annual Membership Meeting will take place Wednesday, Nov. 16
New Jersey State League of Municipalities
It's almost time for the 101st Annual New Jersey State League of Municipalities Conference, which will be held at the Atlantic City Convention Center Nov. 15-17 with exhibit move-in on Nov. 14.
A free mobile app is available here and will allow you to search all conference programs along with other conference events. You can create a personalized schedule before you arrive onsite to maximize their conference experience!
Annual League Conference attendees should download the app to access a fully searchable session schedule, interactive map of the exhibit floor, a thorough listing of exhibitors and up-to-date event information. It also provides alerts and updates right through the last day of the conference.
Click here for additional information on the NJLM Conference.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has recently posted an update to Chapter 1 of the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual. This updated chapter to the BMP Manual can be reached through NJDEP's stormwater index, which guides stormwater management professionals, permittees and the general public to NJDEP's stormwater-related technical information, guidance materials, educational resources, forms and applications.
The BMP Manual link is found at the top left-hand corner of the stormwater index. As with the revised chapters posted in 2014 and earlier in 2016, this revised chapter incorporates the new format along with new graphics and updated text.
Keep an eye out for revisions to additional chapters that will be posted in the coming months. Feel free to direct any questions related the updates to the BMP Manual here.
The Associated Press via
Federal investigators estimate the New Jersey Transit train was traveling two to three times the 10 mph speed limit when it slammed into Hoboken Terminal last week, a U.S. official told The Associated Press Tuesday. The official, who was briefed on the investigation, said investigators estimated the train was moving between 20 and 30 mph when it crashed into Hoboken Terminal last Thursday. The estimate is based on the extent of damage, not on data from the train's instruments.
Asbury Park Press
As reporters and lawmakers clamored for answers about the unannounced lane closures at the George Washington Bridge, Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo agreed that the Port Authority would issue a report falsely attributing the debacle to a traffic study, the trial's star witness testified Tuesday.
David Wildstein, a former agency executive who has pleaded guilty and admitted his role in the payback scheme, told jurors in federal court in Newark it was his understanding that the two governors discussed putting together a report in October 2013, a month after the lane closures, that they hoped would make the questions "go away."
Construction Dive
A recent New Jersey appeals court decision has stoked the fires of the union versus nonunion debate, which continues to grow across the U.S. as unions are reportedly losing their grip on critical markets. While the case began with simply a contract that Jersey City requires when a developer takes advantage of real estate tax breaks, it could be the first step in dealing organized labor a serious blow in the Garden State and beyond.
The Hurricane Matthew outlook for New Jersey changed considerably overnight as the storm is now projected to take a sharp turn out to sea on Saturday as it moves up the East Coast. Instead of possibly being somewhere off the coast of New Jersey by Sunday morning, the storm is now expected to be headed east and out to sea, hundreds of miles from the Carolinas at that time.
The National Weather Service cautions that while New Jersey is not likely to be affected by Matthew, the tracks of hurricanes are volatile and subject to change.
NJ Spotlight
While many states are making strides to reduce energy use, New Jersey continues to lag behind others in using energy more efficiently, according to a new national analysis. New Jersey fell to 24th in the nation in energy efficiency, slipping three spots, according to a scorecard compiled by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy. Less than a decade ago, the state was ranked seventh in terms of energy efficiency.
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In conversations lately with both contractors and technology companies, and in reviewing analyst reports as of late, it seems the cloud is clearly having an even greater impact on the construction industry — and this is due to a number of factors.
Engineering News-Record
Companies worldwide have achieved competitive advantages by utilizing the unique characteristics of an integrated platform of engineering solutions. For example, one of the world's largest petrochemicals complexes in the Middle East has extensively used modular construction to overcome potential resource risks and cost uncertainties. With a model-based estimating system, this organization was able to understand the cost, risk and resource trade-offs of different design and construction scenarios. The result was an optimized construction strategy, which did not encounter any significant hold-ups in resources or execution.
Similarly, a leading supplier of proprietary process technologies implemented a software environment and new engineering workflow to enable quicker reaction to project proposals. The company saved up to 10 percent cycle time in engineering hours on repeatable designs and captured best-practice process design templates.
Construction Executive
If a contractor assumes contractual risks that are unreasonable or disproportionate to the benefits to be gained, the chance increases that the project will be unsuccessful or end up in dispute. Such a result could be disastrous. Contractors must carefully read and study contracts before signing them. While this may seem obvious, it is surprising how often project participants sign agreements containing clauses that a party did not read, did not understand or did not take seriously. Here are three contract provisions that place an onerous or unreasonable risk on the contractor.
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