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Housing Still Searching for the Sweet Spot

Housing activity flip-flopped in March, with sales of existing homes plunging while the market for new homes heated up. Declining home prices and mortgage rates helped to lure buyers, especially at the lower end of the price scale, but there was not enough low-priced inventory...

source: By Michael J. Berens
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Residential Property Management (RPM) Careers Week runs April 14-18 and we're taking the opportunity to...


Please consider participating in the NAAPAC Advocate Sweepstakes to help further the political efforts of the apartment industry at the federal level, while earning a chance to win a Ski Adventure in British Columbia, an all-inclusive...

source: CAA

Last Friday was the deadline for bills to pass out of House committees. Several bills (below) opposed by CAA advanced out of committee, including HB3526, a rent control bill. Although HB3526 applies only to mobile home communities, CAA EVP, Mike Mini testified in opposition...

source: CAA

Blended CAM: Certified Apartment Manager Starts April 8! 6 days total - 3 days in-person & 3 days virtual Increase...


Submit a proposal for a one-hour webinar to be offered in the spring or fall of 2025. To submit a proposal, you must be a current CAA Associate Member. The proposal will be reviewed by CAA's Professional Development Committee based on the evaluation criteria in the PDF below....

source: CAA

AND THE NOMINEES ARE: Help us congratulate all the 2025 CAMME Award nominees! They've put a lot of time...



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