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July 26, 2016 |
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By Charles Sennewald, CSC, CPP
Kudos to another of our brethren for authoring Becoming an Independent Security Consultant — A Practical Guide to Starting and Running a Successful Security Consulting Practice! Mike joins a growing number of IAPSC members in achieving, in my view, the pinnacle of professionalism to express security expertise between the covers of a book. Many of you know how I've stressed the importance of authorship, co-authorship and contributory authorship and how that achievement enhances the consultant's curriculum vitae. Additionally, the task of writing and providing a resource for others can't help but buttress the author's own knowledge because of the need to research material for the piece he or she is focusing on. Not only will others grow because of you, you'll grow as well.
I'd wager the majority of our members have tinkered with the idea of getting published. But good intentions tend to pale in the face of an added task to undertake in our busy profession. If that's your case, consider sharing with a fellow consultant and the two (or even three) of you co-author a work.
Rise to the challenge! Get your name on the cover. Leave a part of you and your unique persona as a special expert, for the benefit of others who will travel this same road behind us.
Bill Durso is the Senior Security Consultant at Sentinel Consulting, LLC in New York. Previously he served as Senior Director of Security, Facilities & Office Services at Nutrisystem, Inc. for over 9 years and founded Secure Protection Solutions, LLC, a security management consulting firm specializing in security program development, security systems project management, security assessments and disaster recovery/business continuity. Mr. Durso has held many volunteer leadership positions in ASIS International throughout his career, including Chairman of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter and Regional Vice President. He is also proud to have been Chair of the Private Security Appreciation Night Committee the past 10 years, which has honored over 250 security professionals for service to the security industry including valor while continuing to contribute as an executive committee chapter member.
By Rene Rieder Jr., CHS-IV, CMAS, PSP, CPP
Hello — I hope the summer has treated you well so far and you've had a chance to take some time off for yourself and your family before the busy fall. As this year's Conference Chair, I wanted to let you know that the 2017 conference will be hosted in Austin, Texas, May 7-9 and this year's conference committee is already hard at work developing a high quality meeting for our security community.
Our main priority is to create a program that provides our members with the tools and knowledge to be at the forefront of the security industry. We invite you to submit your ideas for topics and sessions that you would like addressed as part of the program. Topic submissions will be accepted through Friday, August 5.
This is YOUR conference and your feedback, ideas, and suggestions are important to us. So we want to hear from YOU! Looking forward to seeing you in Austin.
Submit your topic here.
IAPSC members, their invited guests, and attendees from IAPSC's Successful Security Consulting pre-seminar are invited to join us on Sunday, September 11 from 5-6 p.m. for the IAPSC networking reception. The event will be held at the Orange County Convention Center, room TBD. To attend, RSVP to
These monthly member meetings facilitate member relationship-building across areas of specialty and interest. They provide new opportunities for IAPSC members discuss current topics, best practices and guidelines, challenges members are experiencing, and trends in the industry. It's easy and FREE to participate in these upcoming teleconferences from your computer or your phone.
We hope to connect with you at an upcoming Interest Group session:
August 19 @ 9 a.m. PDT — Forensics and Security Management
September 16 @ 9 a.m. PDT — Security Design and Engineering
October 21 @ 9 a.m. PDT — Cybersecurity
Sign up now on-line here or by contacting
Looking to successfully launch a new security consultant practice or jump-start an existing one? This unique, one-day intensive program can show you how! Join us on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, to learn from a faculty of seasoned consultants on how to develop and market yourself as a security consultant and how to avoid expensive mistakes that can sabotage your success. The program is filled with practical information that saves time, money, and frustration. Take home a comprehensive workbook of sample proposals and reports that give you a clear advantage when competing for a security consulting assignment.
Bruce Riedel, a former CIA counter-terrorism official now at the Brookings Institution, says his takeaway on the state of global terrorism is that "it is attracting sufficient recruits to be able to stage almost daily acts of horror around the planet."
Riedel says the almost-daily attacks are part of a calculated, long-term strategy to create the impression of a world in chaos, "and a world that's ripe for their argument that jihad is the solution to the problems of the Muslim world."
The Hill
No one would deny that a vibrant and stable agriculture economy is important for national security. Across the globe, unstable food supplies are associated with turmoil, crime and conflict.
It's also indisputable that 21st century Americans are fortunate to be living in a nation where food security is virtually a nonexistent threat. In a country struggling more with high rates of obesity and food waste than food insecurity, it's hard to imagine an America where there aren't enough calories to feed the citizenry. The United States is universally considered among the most food-secure nations in the world.
Dark Reading
Candidates come in all different varieties. Often, a recruiter, or someone in human resources reviews and filters resumes before they make it to the security manager's desk. The people who work in recruiting and HR are talented professionals, but they are recruiting and hiring for all career fields across the entire organization. Thus, it is difficult for them to deeply examine candidates to the level necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff. That is a specialist's job. Many candidates understand this and some even take advantage of it.
NBC News
Without you necessarily realizing it, your unique attributes — or "biometrics" — are being used to verify your identity.
Every time you unlock your smartphone, use a fingerprint scanner at the airport, or upload a photo with facial recognition to Facebook, your physical attributes are scanned and scrutinized against a template.
The use of biometrics has exploded in recent years, with companies ranging from 24-Hour Fitness to NYU Langone Medical Center using this convenient technology to identify their customers.
Many organizations do not treat the security of privileged accounts any differently than they do standard accounts, a new survey from Thycotic found.
There appear to be major shortcomings in the current state of privileged credential password and access security among organizations worldwide, according to a Thycotic survey of more than 500 IT professionals worldwide conducted by Cybersecurity Ventures, a research and market intelligence firm.
The idea may seem far-fetched to many, but robotics are slowly starting to make their way into physical security. Companies have only begun to scratch the surface of what could be the next game-changing technology for the industry, however, the potential that robotics hold for security is enormous. One only has to look at the buzz generated by the use of commercial unmanned aerial vehicles, more commonly known as drones, to see the disruptive potential of robotics in security.
The Hill
Auto-ISAC, the automotive industry's threat information sharing group industry, released its best practices for cybersecurity in automobiles.
The guidelines address a number of security issues that have frequently been brought up by researchers, including vulnerability disclosure and supply chain management. Automotive security became a legislative focus last year, when a video demonstrating researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek remotely hacking Jeep Cherokee as driven went viral.
Information Week
Over the past 35 years, security technology offerings have come in five major "waves" of development — each aiming to protect against the ever-changing methods of hackers and cyberthieves.
The waves include: firewall and anti-virus;
intrusion prevention security technology;
web app firewalls;
end-point detection and response; and
machine learning security.
Security Intelligence
You know the goal, but maybe dread all the steps to get there. Expanding your security practices beyond traditional perimeter defenses requires careful thought and planning to ensure a favorable outcome.
There are a lot of claims about the benefit of security analytics in detecting advanced threats and simply not enough staff hours to fully vet every alternative. In a way, it reminds me of vacation planning: I want to take the family somewhere great, but it's hard to find the time to plan it all out.
7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063